Wednesday, April 20, 2011

{Easter Cookies}

So we made our Easter cookies this past Sunday at my parent's house.
And by we, I should really say that my mom did. She bakes dozens and dozens and let's us all 
decorate them and take them home. Because she's awesome like that.
The kids love decorating cookies, naturally, and look forward to this family tradition.
I love icing the cookies but will leave the baking to my mom, she has perfected the sugar cookie, 
let me tell ya. And the butter cream icing. She uses my grandma's cookie recipe, below.
I typed it up just in case anyone asked...

This year my brother's little girl's came and one of my oldest childhood friends, whose parent's live next door to my parent's, came with her little girl. The kids had so much fun decorating cookies, eating and playing together. One of my most favorite things from my childhood is all of my cousins I had to play with and all the little kids in my neighborhood. So many great memories! 
We had a close little neighborhood and a couple of those friends are really like family to me to this day. 
I hope my kids always remember these family traditions and enjoy them one day with their own families.  

Charlotte and I made these little bird nests last week for the kids. 
Cupcake liners + paper grass + little chocolate cadbury eggs = simplest thing ever.
Perfect for kids to make and literally took 20 seconds each. Pretty cheap, too. 
Easy, fun and cheap is just my style.

Today I am headed out of town to visit my cousin and her new baby, her first, 
a sweet little baby boy. I cannot wait to meet him! 
Hope everyone has a great day!


  1. this is such a lovely cheerful post. I love the pictures you took...those little painted fingernails holding the cookies...ahh, so darn cute!!!
    I hope that my girls will look back on the memories we have made in the past like you shared today in your post. sigh.

    oh, and I loved your quick easy cadbury egg idea. maybe my grandson and I will do that one!!! :)

  2. Great pics, great ideas! And definitely memories to cherish.

  3. those look like pretty amazing cookies!

  4. awe, sweet traditions! yes, for sure your kiddos will always remember these days... and how amazing you are! I remember too being surrounded by cousins, and friends... staying out until the crickets came out on long summer days! ahhh the life of a child!

  5. Such great photos and what an awesome tradition!!

  6. I want to dive right into that plate of cookies. I love recipes with a history.

  7. dozens and dozens?
    i'd probably eat half a dozen. just being honest.
    they're adorable!

  8. yummmm! i love sugar cookies :) they wouldn't last long in my house!

  9. We made about 4 dozen of almost the exact same cookies on Tuesday. It was a giant mess, but the kids had fun! (I swear that these projects take years off my life. I need to relax my Type A tendencies!) Yours look way cuter!


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