Wednesday, April 27, 2011

{A Swell Book}

Love, love this little book and the oh-so-adorable retro illustrations.
This is one book in a set from my mom & dad's house.
I think my mom bought the set from a door-to-door salesman in the late 60's, before she even had kids.
My kids love looking through these books when they stay with grandma & grandpa.
This one is my very favorite though, I loved this one the most when I was little.
I remember looking through it, sitting in the hallway next to the book case, trying to decide what I wanted to make...a baby doll cradle from a shoe box, sock puppets, shadow puppets or race cars from old boxes. The possibilities were endless.
Oh, if life was still so simple.

You know how I keep saying I am not caught up on everyone's coffee posts, visiting blogs, 
answering emails, etc? 
Like every single week I am saying this. 
Well, I am again this week, too. 
There is a lot going on and not just busy-busy stuff but other stuff and I am getting by the best I can
 but I have to let some stuff go. And right now I need to get back to painting scenery for the kindergarten musical that needs to be tomorrow.
Yeah, tomorrow. 
Hope everyone has a great day. 
I don't mind being stuck inside painting and cutting and gluing today because it's another rainy, 
dreary day! Oh well. 


  1. May you have a productive day! Ive spent so many rainy days indoors and today its gorgeous here(80 and semi-sunshiney) but I have to be inside sewing orders. Life could be worse.
    Love the look of this book:)

  2. we really dont use the word swell enough...its my new favorite!!


  3. I love this!!!

    Honey, I don't think I'll ever catch up on the blog scene. It's to the point I don't want to discover any new gems. Sad, huh?

    I've considered turning comments off. Then I don't have to fret over getting back with everyone. But I'd miss the banter! I'm on the fence.

  4. oooooh i hate when i'm behind on catching up on blogs. and or commenting. and or finishing that one long article i started 5 days ago.......
    ah well.
    life, huh?
    cute pics!


leave me a know you wanna.