Tuesday, April 12, 2011

{Virtual Coffee}

Hello, Tuesday.
Hello, coffee.
Hello, everyone.
If we were really meeting for coffee this morning, I would tell you...

That these trees are everywhere right now. Everywhere.
I'm obsessed.
I think they will only be in bloom for a short time so we are stopping and gazing at them all the time. 
I have to say, I have been fantasizing about having one in my front yard. 
Laying on a blanket under these pink trees, reading a book and relaxing.
Oh-never mind my dogs barking and the kids fighting...that's not in my fantasy.

I am up early this morning because I had run to the grocery store before Eric leaves for work.
Sometimes I just can't face the grocery store so I avoid it as long as I possibly can, like now. 
So now we are out of milk and pretty much everything else so a trip to the store is inevitable.
And since we are meeting for coffee and I can talk about/complain about anything I want, let me just tell you that when you go to the store so early in the morning and it is empty, why do I
 still have to do U-Scan? Seriously? And why isn't the U-Scan (or the employee) smart enough
 to realize I am using my own grocery bags!? I was seriously stressed by the time I left the store.

I just realized this morning that I am signed up to work at the school Book Fair for three hours this morning. Three hours. And since I just realized this, I don't have anyone to watch Charlotte so
 she has to tag along, for three hours. Oooops. 
Luckily her favorite thing in the world is books so I think she will be fine.
And i hope the person I am working with isn't totally annoyed with me.
Tomorrow morning at school is breakfast with mom & dad and then one night this week I have
 another meeting about the kindergarten play. Whew. The end of the school year is so busy. And just this morning I read that there is only 34 days of school left. Whaaaaaaat? Is that possible?

While I was finishing up this cup of coffee and getting ready to pack Wyatt's lunch (which I forgot to send yesterday, I opened up the fridge at lunch time and there it sat!) I would offer you a cinnamon roll. An early morning trip to the store means cinnamon rolls for the kids. 
Not homemade, just from the can, folks.  
Oh and if you were here having coffee with me I would show you the things I picked up at the
 antique store Friday. I got some good stuff! Pictures to come later. 

Well, this mama is looking a hot mess so I need to go get ready and everything finished up around here.
Oh-one more thing; on the radio this morning in the car they were talking about the Royal Wedding.
I know it is coming up but I'm not sure when exactly. Are you fascinated by the wedding?
Have you been following it in the news?  
I'm assuming it will be televised like Charles & Diana's wedding? I do remember watching that when I was little...just vaguely. I remember sitting on the living room floor watching it with my mom. 
Okay-I'm out. 
Thanks so much for meeting me for coffee this morning!
Have a great day!


  1. love your pictures amY! i'm the same way about the store...yuck :( have a good day at the book fair, sounds lovely...i am obsessed with books. they'd find me smelling the pages all day and never ask me to help again...maybe you could do that :)

  2. just made my mouth water when you mentioned cinnamon rolls. And antique finds? yes please! Cant wait to see the pics:) Have a great day and heres to hoping the books will work their magic for your little one:)

  3. Early morning grocery shopping is my favorite! The store is empty, the shelves are completely stocked...I love it! But our grocery store doesn't have a UScan so that may help. :)

  4. I'd love a cinnamon roll! I like to go to Saturday night Mass so I can go to the grocery on Sunday morning while everyone else is at church. I's so peaceful! Have so much fun at the book fair!

  5. I love your pictures. And I hate scanning my own groceries. LOVE book fairs and books and all that goes with it. And I don't really care about the royal wedding, but somehow I bet I'll watch it, at least some of it.

  6. I love cinnamon rolls from the can. Yummo. And I love blossoming trees. They make me happy. And as for the royal wedding, I honestly couldn't care less. Does that make me a bad citizen of the world? LOL

  7. I am also not
    a grocery store
    fan or a fan of
    errands, in general!
    A quick trip with the
    lure of cinnamon rolls
    might do it, though!
    Thanks for the java....
    gotta run...!
    xx Suzanne

  8. I hate the grocery store too.
    that's why my husband does ALL
    grocery shopping either on weekends or on
    his way home from work! I know, spoiled!
    I wish I were there to help with charlotte!
    we have 40 days left in our homeschooling curriculum and now I don't feel so behind after reading you have 34, thanks!

    have a great day!
    those trees are gorgeous!

  9. Thanks for coffee!!! I do the same thing with the grocery store. I avoid it like the plague! Have a wonderful day :D

  10. Whew! I made it to coffee before 5 p.m. Hurrah!

    Ok, so those trees are GORGEOUS!!! I'd love to just sit there too and RELAX...Ahhhhh. It's nice to dream...

    Back to reality, and extremely annoying grocery store chaos...I feel your pain. I hate going there, and when I do it takes longer to check out than to actually shop. Add personal grocery shopper to my list of splurges once I win the lottery. :-)

    Have FABO day, and thanks for coffee and cinnamon roll.

  11. MMM... cinnamon rolls! I'm actually glad to read your post this morning, I feel like my mornings are that crazy all the time! Hope all is well at the book sale. I can't believe school is almost over, it feels like we are just getting in the groove! Those pictures are simply lovely...thanks for sharing!

  12. thanks for sharing ames. i too hate the grocery store. well, going to it, anyway. i dream about having a personal grocery shopper and chef one day. how awesome would that be? well, i wish you could meet us today for shauna's birthday breakfast. i know she'd want you to be invited if you were in our neck of the woods. xo

  13. Those pictures are beautiful! Thanks for the coffee this morning, I need it!

  14. Oh your magnolias are in bloom! Ours are still weeks WEEKS! away. I will have to live vicariously though yours. Sounds like you needed an extra cup of coffee this morning!

  15. Oh those trees are just beautiful! I can't wait until everything starts blooming around here. We finally have buds on the trees a beautiful sign if what is to come.

    Thanks for coffee and the cinnamon rolls!

  16. i haven't kept up at all with the royal wedding, i have to say. :\
    i painted today, and that's news. :)

    i love those trees! all we have on our street are maples and walnut trees. shoot.

  17. I love those trees too, I have them right in front of my house and they're gorgeous. Thanks for coffee!

  18. Wow, those trees ARE gorgeous! I'd be out there capturing as many shots as I could, too. Hope volunteering went well with C. along for the ride. Thanks for coffee!

  19. bea-u-ti-ful! you are lucky:) i happened to see the date for the royal wedding somewhere, but i forgot. i know it's the end of the month sometime. you know it'll be televised. i watched charles and di too. never will forget that.

  20. I had just been born during Princess Di's wedding. My mom watched it LIVE while she was up with a new born baby. She never lets me forget it. Thanks for coffee!

  21. sounds like quite a day you had! i love the book fair- did charlotte have fun? my kids could spend hours... at any & every age!!

    i remember watching charles & di's wedding... and i wanna watch this one,too :) i don't know exactly when it is either!

  22. Royal Wedding April be televised starting at 3:00 am Eastern time.

    I miss my magnolias...since we moved.

    Thanks~ the cinnamon roll made me feel better.

  23. I'm insanely jealous of all your spring signs. We have brown, brown, and more brown. There are the tiniest of buds and a couple crocuses. That is about it.


    Thanks for coffee though. lol...

  24. I remember watching Princess Diana's wedding too - I was very little but I watched it with my mom. :) Yes, it is supposedly going to be televised, pretty much every t.v. channel will be broadcasting it. lol. I want to watch it definitely, because it truly is a part of 'history'. Someday people will watch it or read about it in their history books. Plus, it gives me my 'wedding' fix. I love watching weddings or shows about the dresses, etc... :)

  25. Hi-
    I am a new participant in Virtual Coffee and I am hooked!
    What a great idea-

    Thank you,
    White Spray Paint

  26. This is just too cool!! I'll join up next time, but in the meantime... I have this great recipe for coffee right now... 4 scoops of Maryland Club and one scoop of Dunkin' Donuts coffee. I tried it the other way around and was a shaking mess by 9 A.M. LOL Just add some fat-free 1/2 and 1/2. Yummmm.
    I'll be back. I'm your newest follower thanks to Laura at White Spray Paint.
    Ladybug Creek


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