Monday, June 13, 2011

#5 and #6

Our Summer List is long but it is growing shorter by the day.
Last night the kids stayed up late, which has pretty much a constant theme so far this summer, 
and we cooked hot dogs outside over the fire and made S'mores.
S'mores was #5 marked off of our list.
One thing they have really been looking forward to is staying up late to catch lightning bugs.
Last night was the perfect night to do it, the weather was beautiful and we decided it was a 
good night to stay up extra late. Catching Lightning Bugs was #6.

They each got their own jar,  then we cut a small piece of paper for a lid, poked holes in it and
 fastened it on with a rubber band. They went to sleep with the jar of lightning bugs next to their beds.

I remember being up (what felt like) super late in the Summers when I was a kid, playing tag and catching lightning bugs with the neighbors in our Court. 
Ahhh....there really is nothing like the Summer, is there?
Summer is for breaking the rules a little, for ignoring schedules, for putting off work for fun. 
Oh, how I love Summer vacation.

What is one of your favorite memories of Summer as a kid?
Or tell me something on your Summer List that you hope to do this year, anything.
 I planned to get up this morning and edit all of my pictures from the Fair but instead I decided
 that the kids and I will clean off the front porch and they are begging
 to make a fort out there. I think I will skip picture editing for fort-building.
Happy Monday to you!

Linking up with Heather today...


  1. oh i am so jealous....i have never seen lightning bugs...can you send some to california? :)

  2. oh those are sooooo cool. we really don't get them here. that's one of my girls favorite things to do back home. love the mason jar shots. you got skills:)

  3. i have never seen lightning bugs, they sound so fun!

  4. Wow, I am mega jealous right now. This is the sort of things I used to read about in books as a kid, and have always wanted to do, but unfortunately we do not get these kind of bugs around these parts, it looks like great fun. I'm so pleased to hear that you are crossing off all your fun things planned for the summer, enjoy your fort building xxx

  5. Oh those pictures bring back memories of summers in Kentucky at my great-grandma's house. We don't have lightning bugs in Idaho...I must get my kids to the south one summer!

  6. what fun pictures! we don't have lightnin' bugs in sd...but that looks like a blast! we got some things checked off our list having a summer fun list :)

  7. oh wow, wish we could catch lightning bugs with the kids here! sounds magical. except in the daytime, when they're just crawly bugs :) one summertime thing i'm excited to do is more art with the kids. i plan to tackle some of the projects on Deep Space Sparkle's site. i love her kids projects and how she groups them by grade level.

  8. Brings me back to childhood...

    This is a great post.

  9. staying up late seems to be a trend for us this summer too! We don't have lightning bugs, that looks sooo fun ;)

  10. Fort building over picture editing? Thumbs up!!

  11. Ah, lightning bugs and the smell of honeysuckle. Summer in the south is beautiful. I would vote for fort-building too!

  12. summer memories: the best was catching frogs in the million frog ponds by our house and putting them in our barbie doll pool to swim! swinging in the hammock, climbing trees, building a tree fort, riding horses, swimming in a small river, going to Lake Superior to swim, going to get a dilly bar at the local ice cream shop, catching lightening bugs ( we used to rub them on our pants to make them light up our clothes, sick and mean too!! where was my mom and why did she tell me not to do that?!!!)...
    this summer we plan to go to the IL state fair (my kids have never been to a fair!!!)!!!


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