Friday, June 17, 2011

Sunrise and $3 Happiness

Look what I was up to see early this morning, a pink and blue sky and the sun just about
 ready to come up. Then it was up and it was so pretty.
I wish I was up to see the sun rise more often, I really do.
I love a pretty sun rise and maybe even more, a gorgeous sunset.
But, there is something about seeing the sun come up on a new day though, a fresh start
 because Lord knows we all need those. I know I do anyway.

Right now I am sitting out on my front porch while the kids are still in bed sipping my super-hot coffee.
The cicadas are not bad yet and there is a Cardinal that keeps flying up to the porch railing.
I'm not gonna lie, I am also praying in my head,  even while typing;
Please don't let them get up yet, please God, just give me 30  15 minutes of peace and quiet and
 no one asking me for anything. No whining, fighting or wrestling, no asking for food and drinks yet.
 Just 15 minutes.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Yesterday we went to see How To Train Your Dragon, for a mere $1 at the theater.
Can I tell you how much I adore the summer kid's movies? 
$3 for all of us to get in, seriously? Love, love, love me a bargain movie.
The kids really liked the movie, and I did too, which was an added bonus.
We will be there every Thursday morning for the Summer movies, thank you very much.

After the movie yesterday we stopped at the store and I let the kids each get a water gun.
  They could not have been happier. Seriously.
They played with them with a couple of the neighbor boys when we got home and Wyatt
 kept talking about his all day.
After bed last night he came down and told me again how much he loved his water gun and he couldn't believe how cool it was. It is a $3 water gun from Walmart.
I love that my kids are so happy and satisfied with just the smallest things. 
And appreciative.

A good friend of mine left for Guatemala yesterday with her two little ones, ages three and five.
She went there a few months ago on a Mission Trip and now she is back visiting and helping out at an orphanage for a few weeks to see how it would be living there with her little family.
I can't wait to get updates from her while she is there.
People like her make me want to do something more, something bigger with my life, 
if that makes any sense.  I'm not sure what, but...something.

This is Bun-Bun, the bunny that lives in/near our back yard. We see her every single day, our yard and neighbor's yards are pretty thick with bunnies, which is fine by us. Bun-Bun seems pretty tame, she lets us get really close to her and we think there might be something wrong with one of her front paws. 

Today we have no real plans, we might go to a couple rummage sales, I might paint my little
rummage sale book case for the front porch or we might just play with $3 water guns all day. 
Ahhhh.....I got my 15 minutes of quiet time, plus some more.
Now it's time to go make cinnamon rolls for my little ones, I think I am ready for this day to start.
Happy Friday  everyone, hope you have a great weekend!


  1. I love the small things in life, and that's awesome that your kids appreciate those things, too :) Wonderful pictures yet again. Happy Friday!

  2. beautiful start to your day, sweet friend :) have a great weekend!

  3. What a perfect way to start your morning. Although I don't like early mornings, I do love when I wake up to a quiet house. Your photos are always so beautiful.

  4. Loving how Charlotte is rocking those wellies : )
    Have a great day xxx

  5. how nice! 15 minutes of quiet!
    Mine go to bed when I do and wake up when I do. there never seems to be peace! however they are getting older and more able to get their own drink of water and snacks. and they do play American Girl dolls 24/7 so I do get LOTS of peace! sometimes I miss them and ask if I can play, but they always shoot me down with a NO!
    happy friday to YOU!

  6. i love when my kids can be grateful too.
    sometimes they aren't.
    but sometimes they are and and it makes me happy to be a mom.
    what a good life they live.

    ps i want a cinnamon roll.

  7. we loved that score there. what a gorgeous sunrise. you are blessed indeed.

  8. oh how i love the sun breaking thru the clouds... and if there are beautiful colors swirl around it i am in double love! i'd love to sit on your porch... the view seems beautiful.

  9. Kids movies are so much fun! I wish we had some summer kids movie at cheap prices around here... off to look :)

  10. LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog!
    Great post and Great Photos!
    I'll try to come back more often.
    Amy's Life

  11. Today was day one of our summer vacation. I know I'm only hours away from the whining, fighting, food/drink requests that will make me wish the first day of school would hurry up.

    And, I love when my girls are so happy w/the little things. I love when they say thank you when we are leaving the pool. Or the park. Something so minor, but they are thrilled that they got to go. I hope they never stop appreciating the small stuff.

  12. Such great pictures!!! The first few of the sunsets are just breathtaking!
    Star Hughes Living


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