Tuesday, June 21, 2011

{Virtual Coffee}

Hey there.
It's Tuesday and I am ready for some coffee.
How about you?
Skinny cinnamon dolce latte for me. Whatcha having?

If we were really meeting for coffee this morning I would tell you to come here, but come early.
The humidity is terrible. So, so nasty. I won't complain too much because last week we had some really nice days with little humidity, we also had quite a bit of rain too though and I think more is
 expected this week but I am so not complaining--or trying not to anyway...okay, so I kind of am...
but I would take this over snow any day.

And you hear that? Shhhh....... what is that? oh yeah, that is silence.
Total and complete silence.
The kids are at Vacation Bible School this morning and oh, it is so very quiet.
And yes, you're right, they did just go to VBS the week before last too, those kids are gonna get right with the Lord this summer, one way or another. But really this week they are going to one at
Eric's mom 's church and you know what? She volunteers for it so she is taking them
and bringing them home every day. Every day, no transporting for me. Woohooo!

Oh this little sweetie of mine is giving me a run for my money lately.
This is the one that stayed home with me all school year, every single day and was the easiest going girl ever. All school year long,  never really got in trouble (while her brother was at school), entertained herself so well and would play by herself in her room for long periods of time every day.
Seriously, no problems at all with her.
Well, these days she is a hot mess. Fighting with her brother, literally hanging on him, needs to be right by him all the time, not listening...
I could go on,  but I won't. Is is a phase? Still adjusting to the change in schedule around here and
 not being the only one at home?
Hmmm...I just don't know but good thing she is just so stinkin' cute, that's all I have to say.

Yep, there is that lazy old Bun-Bun again in the backyard.
She just takes her time, lays around and doesn't seem to be too scared of us.

Tonight we are hoping it doesn't rain so we can go to the outdoor movie at the park.
They are playing How To Train Your Dragon, which we just saw last week, but we really want to
 go to one of the outdoor movies so I'm hoping the weather holds out.
And that the kids don't ruin it for themselves with too much fighting today.
That's it's for me..what about you? What's going on in your world today?
Thanks for joining me for coffee this morning. Happy Tuesday y'all!


  1. Wow! Glad you are enjoying some quiet too. I laughed at how our posts started out pretty much the same :D

    Enjoy your quiet.
    Those little ones, mine is going through a phase too. I tell them all the time that they are lucky they are cute! HA.

  2. Charlotte is too beautiful to stay mad at her for long. Those photos with the chocolate milk - ah... I have managed to spend the whole morning OUTSIDE so far - almost no humidity here, the birds are tweeting and the neighbours are mowing and all is right with this moment. Thanks for coffee!

  3. I hate humidity. I can deal with heat, but humidity just makes everything blahhh. Yay for some silence for a little bit! I bet that is nice. I hope your little girl starts to act better for ya, and the weather stays nice :)

    Thanks for hosting, and happy Tuesday!

  4. I am sitting here editing photos and listening to my girls rummage around upstairs setting up their doll stuff....and talk talk talk. they are so cute. I am thinking I really need to stop editing and get on my elliptical upstairs.....and get on with our day. the girls have some exam work today. so not fun...
    have a great day!

  5. My 5 year old is being the same way right now. On sunday in church I actually leaned over to my husband and said "I think I may go crazy". Shes been antsy and full of energy(not good energy either) lately. Im ready for the calm to return:)

  6. i so love the photo of the toy camera in your blog adorable!!!
    Enjoy your quiet! :)


  7. Seriously?! That sweet thing?! She looks like an angel to me!
    I hope you get to the outdoor movie. My city is doing that this year too (for the first time I think). I'm hoping we get there too... and manage to not be eaten by mosquitos in the process.

  8. i can't hear a thing from your end!
    gotta love school hols activities!!

    i just seem to end up with a pile of extra on the trampoline at ours!!!!????

    bet she's a doll most of the time and the 0.0000001% is throwing you...send her over to us...

    happy tuesday honey
    Melissa xx

  9. Enjoy the silence and the lack of transporting-- what a treat!! Hope you are/were able to attend the outdoor movie-- sounds like fun! I empathize about your daughter-- my son is entering a new very challenging phase (red about it in my post)-- and we just stabilized from the last challenging phase. And my 2 kids bicker a lot now, too-- which is new-- but they also play and have fun together so I guess I cannot complain. Thanks for hosting coffee again! Have a great week!

  10. oh no! i bet she's adjusting to sharing her mama and time alone in the house. hope the weather is holding out for you. a movie in the park sounds great! thanks for hosting us again today.

  11. why does the weather suck so bad this year?? seriously the worst winter ever and now summer where art thou? here's hoping you get to that movie. love that movie by the way.

  12. Oh, your house sounds so nice...I would give my right arm for some peace and quiet.

    Hope you were able to make the movie.

    Have a great week...hopefully I'll be earlier next Tuesday.

  13. hey amy, i know what you mean by the sassy little girl! what the?! hope you got to see your movie. the weather here stinks today too!!

  14. Cutest pictures ever!!! You have such adorable kids!
    Star Hughes Living


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