Tuesday, June 28, 2011

{Virtual Coffee}

Good morning.
Happy Tuesday to you, ready for coffee?
I am.
It is a beautiful, sunny morning and although I got a good night's sleep I am dragging this morning.
Just tired.
I totally forgot about coffee this morning and I am going to have to make mine and run,
no time to chat right now. We're leaving soon to go watch my three little nieces at their house
today so I have to get moving. I will catch up with everyone later today!

Make sure you stop by and have coffee with Melissa this morning, I love stopping by there and
 (not-so-secretly) dream of switching lives with her for a while. 
You will not wan to leave her place, I promise.
Have a great day!


  1. love the chalk drawings!!
    have fun with your nieces!!

  2. Great sidewalk chalk pictures, love the coffee cups one.

  3. I wish you did these coffee posts DAILY, I LOVE THEM! what cute sidewalk chalk photos!!!

    Today: I have to get my hair cut/colored. Taking my girls to the pool for the day because I leave thursday until monday to go to MI without them and I will miss them so I want to spend some good quality time with them before I leave!!

    have a great day!

  4. love the drawings :)
    and enjoy time with your nieces xx

  5. I love the chalk drawings-- how fun!! Have a great visit with your nieces!

  6. adorable chalk drawings -- those are the lazy days of summer that i remember! have fun watching your nieces. thanks again for always hosting us!

  7. It must be something in the air... everyone's tired today! Thanks for coffee!

  8. Love the chalk drawings, they are brillaint xxx

  9. i too, LOVE the chalk drawings!! I am off to refill my cup and check out some of the other blogs! :)

  10. hey gorgeous- love having you visit over at mine!

    wish we were all chalk drawing together- we could sit with a lovely cold glass of vino together & watch our kiddos bonding over the sidewalk....

    hope you had a great day with family...

    melissa xxx

  11. it's afternoon now and i'm still dragging. what in the world? cute drawings. it's finally pretty today. my girls are outside with squirts guns. love it. wish i was out there with them:)

  12. Thanks for leaving the chalk out - I'm feeling creative!

  13. I hope you had a great time with your nieces. Nothing says summer like sidewalk chalk...LOVE it.

    Have a great holiday weekend and thanks for coffee.

  14. Sweet photos, Amy!

    Just found your blog by way of Tessa's and I really like it here. x


leave me a know you wanna.