Thursday, July 21, 2011

{Random Mess of Embracing, Melting and Ranting}

it's thursday, so we are embracing the camera over here today.
we are also embracing the air-conditioning. thank you dear Lord for a/c. seriously. 
there is a heat advisory going on all week, heat index could be 115*.
anyway, it's pretty obvious that my kids don't mind dorking out with me in photobooth, huh?
there is usually no arm-twisting for these pictures. 
if wyatt gets to open his mouth as wide as he can and make crazy faces he is happy.

and since i know someone is going to ask, these were all edited in picnik.
i like to fade them, make them black & white or add texture to give them
that old-school photobooth feel.
i heart picnik. i also heart real-life photobooths too but wish they would bring the old-school
ones back and keep the janky new-age ones for themselves, whoever they are.
and once again--why isn't picnik paying me to promote them? 
i need to write those folks an email, for real.

besides photoboothing it, we have been staying in this week and when we do have to get out we
 make a bee-line for the car/house/store/where ever we are going.
oh and just so you don't think i am a super wimp, one of the reasons it's really no fun 
going anywhere this week? this little beauty:

I love my 1986 Jeep Grand Wagoneer to pieces but she has no air conditioning, folks.
none. now i don't sound like such a baby, do i?
thank goodness her back window goes all the way down though or we would be hibernating for sure.
a man pulled up to me at a light last week (again) and asked what i had under the hood? what?!!
am i supposed to say a v8? am i giving a year here...what is my answer supposed to be?
another time in the grocery store parking lot, a guy asked if he could "take a look" and i (stupidly) 
started to open the door so he could look inside but he meant under the hood. 
am i supposed to just know these things?
i'm pretty sure he glared at me on that one.

yesterday we were at the mall and i was looking at shoes for the kids and i just have to ask--
why did i see the cutest little pair of shoes for charlotte with a wooden heel?
an actual heel, like a substantial too-tall-for-a-kid-heel.
for a four-year-old!
a four-year-old.
come on people, do we really have to do this?
this is the kind of stuff that can set me off on a serious rant but i will spare you all and quit now.
you're welcome.
well, hope everyone has a great's thursday, tomorrow is friday...heyyyyyyyy.
i'm embracing the camera along with everyone else today, here::


  1. preach it girl on the shoes. . .I agree one hundred and two percent. Lets keep them in cute little mary janes as long as we can. They have years to wear high wooded heels:)

    Stay cool!

  2. Love the pictures and the photobooth feel. Yea for Picnik and Fridays!

  3. you are such a kill, girl. love your wagon. LOVE! pics of you and kiddos are adorable too.

  4. haha, the part about someone asking to see under your hood reminds me of the commercial with the guy who pulls up to a red light and asks the person next to him "is that a hemy"? so funny..and yes, thank you Jesus for ac!

  5. Great pictures and I completely agree with you on that heel crap! I've seen that too on a few pairs and it makes me so mad, really they are kids and they use shoes for running, jumping and playing in the dirt what the heck do they need a heel for??

  6. My niece got married in June and at her reception she had a photo booth with props and everything. It was a lot of fun for the guests to hop in there and get their photo snapped! ~ My husband has a 65 Ford pickup that has no air. I love that old pickup, but feel so sorry for him when he has to drive it in this Oklahoma heat! Fortunately, he doesn't have to drive it all the time, but does have to on occassion because of his work.

  7. love this post!
    love the car!
    the heat? not loving it so much, unless we are at the pool! about to go there in a few minutes for the evening! I will be IN THE WATER the entire time!

  8. Wow, I think the theme of this post should be 'vintage' because it's vintage all over! I totally respect that old car from the mid eighties, that's awesome! :)

    This Good Life


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