Tuesday, July 5, 2011

{Virtual Coffee}

Wow, It really feels like a Monday morning so I am wondering if anyone will remember to show up
 for coffee today. Does it feel like Monday to you, too, because of the Holiday yesterday?
Well, I am up and around finally this morning but kind of dragging still after a busy weekend,
and ready for my coffee.
I am sitting on the front porch this morning in my little wicker chair drinking
 my homemade cinnamon dolce latte. The weather is perfect right now.

So if we were really meeting for coffee this morning I would ask all about your weekend...
how was it? What did you do? 
For those of you here in the States that celebrated the Fourth of July, did you watch fireworks?

We spent the weekend at the cabin and it was really hot the first day but we survived. 
The guys went the day before us and by the time my mom, Charlotte and I got there it was actually not nearly as hot as it was just one day earlier. I think it had to have been over 100* before we got there and
I am so thankful we missed that. This mama just does not do well in that much heat and humidity, it makes me so grouchy. I am just not a big fan of sweating when you are sitting completely still
 and not moving at all..... yuck.

Sunday night around dusk we drove out into the country to try and see some fireworks. 
We didn't have to drive far at all and we could see fireworks in the distance, 
and some kind of close, from every direction. Some were hard to see because of all of the corn
 and trees but we pulled over and let the kids get on top of the car to so they could see them
 better and they thought that was pretty cool.
Honestly, I think their favorite thing might just be getting to drive in the country without their seat belts or even having to sit in their seats. We only let the kids do that when we are down there and
when we are not going far at all- and just for the record,we did not pass another car.
It's kind of funny that for the kids that is such a big deal but when I was a kid I remember sitting down on the floor in our station wagon while driving cross country on vacations.

If we were really meeting for coffee this morning I would wonder how your summer is going?
 I know some of you have just recently finished school but since we have been out since right before Memorial Day, by the time the 4th of July rolls around it feels like Summer is half-way over
 because it pretty much is for us. I hate to even think about that, so I will just try and block it out.

Today will probably be spent catching up on laundry, playing outside and continually checking us all for ticks all day. There is no way we made it home from the cabin without a tick, somewhere on someone. That is the absolute worst part of being out in the woods.
Well, my coffee is getting low and I need to sneak up to my bedroom for a quick update on a
 certain murder trial I am a little obsessed with right now.
It's tough being on verdict watch with the kids around, I have to sneak away to get updates
 because they don't need to hear any of that mess.  ; )

Tomorrow I will be back with a full Cabin Post, full of many, many pictures taken with
my real big-girl  camera. These iphone pictures are just too easy.
Thanks for joining me this morning, hope everyone has a great day! 


  1. Good Morning and Happy Virtual Coffee on this Tuesday that feels like a Monday!
    I had a long weekend... I drove 5 hours home to see my mother in hospice and then 5 hours back all on Saturday. I was happy to have my daughter in tow and we listened to a "book on tape"... I even blogged about it.
    Yesterday we enjoyed the crowd at the local parade and laughed as the kids scurried and scavenged for every piece of candy that was thrown their way. I missed a spot on my arm with my sunscreen and I have a sunburn on my right arm... just by the sleeve :-( I am a huge advocate for sunscreen and protecting your skin... so, I'm sad I have a red patch on my arm and it hurts.
    We took naps in the afternoon so we could stay up for fireworks. It was fun to watch our 4 kiddos anticipate with ants in their pants and then still when the show started. Last year we were camping in Breckenridge CO over the 4th, I think we will do that again next year, Iowa summer's can be buggy, muggy and hot... not our favorite elements, those mountains just seem to call our name.
    Today I am doing as you are, laundry, playing and drinking my coffee while checking out the blogging world.
    Cheers to you~

  2. Sounds like an ideal weekend at the cabin in the country! Glad you missed the oppressive heat and humidity-- I'm not a big fan of that either, and it makes me grouchy, too. We had a nice day with my sister and her husband and kids, including a picnic and kayaking on the river. For coffee, I posted about our fun fireworks show in the backyard. Thanks again for hosting us all and thanks for coffee. Have fun doing laundry-- our machine is back out of commission AGAIN and the part won't be here til Thursday!! I'll be drowning in laundry by then. Have a great week!

  3. love the gorgeous pictures you took! and i agree, being still in the heat = yuck!!

  4. i was looking forward to seeing what you got up to for the 4th july... lovely pictures... they look like distant, rather than recent, memories.... just lovely :)
    do drop by and see if you're tempted by my giveaway... :)

  5. Love your pictures and your post! I am also trying to see the verdict on that trial.....

    Glad you had a great time at the cabin :)

  6. oh the whole seat belt thing does make me laugh... I'm the same way about my kids sitting in the front of our great big suburban. They couldn't be much safer and the air bag turns itself off. . .but I find myself rustifing myself to people. . .really, I rode in the back of my dad's pick up truck on the interstate for 3 hours to my Grandmas house!

    Glad you had a marvelous weekend!

  7. I'll be linking up soon, but thought I'd pop in and say a quick "hi" first.

    YES! It feels like Monday, and it's driving me crazy. I almost missed a work appointment because my days of the week are off. One consolation...SHORT WEEK! Hurrah!

    Ok, so I'm glad I'm not the only one that withered in the heat at a cabin...more details and photos in the blog...but seriously when it's over a 100 degrees this mama is right with you when it comes to the grouchies and the AC better be CRANKED! I'd never survive in the pioneer days.

    Ha! Well, got to run. Work is calling...only four more days (not like I'm counting or anything).

    Ciao and thanks for coffee!

  8. Lovely photos! I am a new follower, great blog!!

  9. your pictures are just beautiful. I love that editing you did...lovely!!! Looks like you all had a great time!

  10. I wasn't in Tuesday mode, so nope, no coffee today. At least, I wasn't "with it" enough to type and drink coffee at the same time. Your weekend sounds fun! Funny that they were so excited about going without seatbelts. The things we took for granted as children, right!?! ;D

    And I CAN NOT believe she got off the hook. It is absolutely crazy to me that they didn't find her GUILTY. I am shocked... still!

  11. Hey just found your blog. Love the layout! And cute pictures. :)

  12. okay super duper cool effects on those pics. how'd ya do THAT?? please don't say iphone.

    i am so out of touch i don't even have a clue what that trial's about.

  13. I always love your photos! That one with the sparkler is fabulous! Sounds like a wonderful getaway. Can't wait to see/hear more about it!

  14. oh, boo! I am here too late ;-(


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