Friday, August 12, 2011


Did anyone get that my title was a reference to Tangled?
Yeah, so we have seen that movie just a few times but actually it's one I really like a lot, so I don't mind.
Anyway, the kids proclaimed  last Wednesday as the "best day ever" and Wyatt actually said
it was the best day of his life. Love that boy.
Where could we have gone that would elicit such a response you ask? Disney World?
Nope, the St. Louis City Museum...which I honestly think might just be one of the coolest places
 I have ever been, too. Like for real. 

 The St. Louis City Museum is housed in a huge, old shoe factory and consists mostly of 
re-purposed architectural and industrial objects, the building is just amazing.
The outside...

We were at the museum from 10:00-4:00 and took about a half hour break for lunch. If the kids had not been so exhausted we could have left for supper and then came back afterwards, that's how
 much there was still left to see/ do there.

Old-school shoelace factory inside the museum.

Oh man, I really wanted my fortune read but I didn't have any time!

check out that ceiling... so cool!

Hundreds of tunnels, a ten-story slide, and a bunch of other slides too, caves and aquariums and holes literally in the floor that lead you somewhere different every time you go through one,
 seriously a kid's dream.
Oh- and check out this area that was like an indoor skate park, ramps of all sizes the kids could
 just run up and slide down. If only I had one of these in my backyard...oh, the energy that
would be burned off.

The Ewok Village, or at least that's what we called it.
Indoor tree-houses to climb and more tunnels, slides, things to climb up and down and all over.

Oh wait--I just remembered that was the same night that someone pulled the fire alarm,
not once, but twice at our hotel. And we were on the 9th floor.
And the second one was just as we had all fallen asleep. I couldn't find my shoes and Charlotte woke up crying and I had to carry her down all those stairs. I threatened my kids if they ever in their life
pull a fire alarm as a prank I would come hunt them down and they would be sorry.
I don't care if they are in college.
So yeah, besides that... best day ever.

happy friday!!!!!


  1. wow!! what a fun place...i wanna go!

  2. i lived in that area my whole life. even moved to st. louis for a year and we never made it to that place. bummer! looked amazing. ick about the fire alarms in the night thing. that's just mean!!

  3. Wow looks like a great day, it looks like one of those places for kids of all ages :) xxx

  4. Wow, that sure looks fun! I think if I were a kid, I would have dubbed this BEST DAY EVER also! :)

    Have a wonderful weekend!

    This Good Life

  5. My in-laws recently went there and I told Evan that it was a must see the next time we are in St. Louis.

    I enjoy your threat of punishment even if they are in college. I frequently make this statement and it usually involves things like "If I ever find out that you have thrown cheetos at the monkeys at the zoo you will be in huge trouble!" or "Even if you are 80 years old it is not ok to just throw your garbage out the car window like that man did. Promise you never will right now!"

    My kids are going to seek counseling as adults, aren't they?

  6. That place looks so fun! My girls would love it and I think I would want to go through all those tunnels and play too :)

  7. Looks like a great place to take the family!

  8. oh my gosh. museums are the BEST in my book. that one looks incredible!!! i could go to them every week with the kids. and i may be the one who enjoys it the most. ;) i think that fortune lady would have told you, "there will be lots of flights of stair climbing in your future." sorry about the fire alarm twice! how lame.

  9. I've heard nothing but GREAT things about this place. I love your pictures and am so glad it was the bomb.

  10. Oh my GOSH, that museum looks amazing!! All those cool tunnels and the slides and the butterflies! Wow... My kids (well, the 5 year old anyway) would love it all! Great pictures!

    Oh, and we love Tangled, too!

  11. To quote Liz Lemon, "I want to go to there". Looks like a fantastic museum. Can't believe your kids held out, and enjoyed it, from 6 hours. Definitely sounds like the best day ever ;)

  12. I can see why! That is kid heaven under one roof. Love the "get lost" photo and the one of Wyatt hugging Dad?

  13. I've been there! It seriously is the coolest place!

  14. What wonderful memories this post brought back! My two boys LOVED this place! I wasn't 'into ' photography then so it was a delight seeing your images. I think I should go back by myself now - with camera in tow!!


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