Wednesday, August 17, 2011

tomatoes & madeleine

today i will be in the kitchen.
making a tomato tart,
probably with a little helper or two.
and listening to her.

then, if  i am not too discouraged, i am going to attempt homemade apple turn-overs.
we'll see how the tart goes first though.
don't you just love august and her homegrown tomatoes?
and having your own pot of basil growing right outside your front door?

yep, i love august.
i do, i do.
tomorrow is my birthday so i am thinking of treating myself to a little solo shopping trip today.
hope you all are having a good week!


  1. Tomorrow is my birthday too - Happy Early Birthday to you!

  2. Happiest of birthdays to you!! I send you a relaxing, joyful, laughter-filled, creative, peaceful, breezy, lovefest of a day!


  3. OOOOH! Love madeliene! Such a sweet, sexy lil voice. Have a great bday! Mine is Monday...if we lived closer we'd have to go grab a margarita together. Boo :( but have fun shopping!! xo, alicia

  4. hey you- i wanna come for some tomato tart and some new music & to crack a bottle of australian vino for your birthday....

    sounds perfect to me...
    huge hugs for the bday...

    melissa xxx

  5. Happy Birthday! I want to see pictures of the tart and turnovers when they are done!

  6. It is my little sister's birthday too! Happy Birthday ;)

  7. Those tomatoes look yummy! I just bought that CD. SO good!
    Enjoy your birthday! Have fun shoppin'! :)

  8. Leos rock...

    My birthday is in 2 days.

  9. Happy birthday!!
    I've never heard of a tomato tart.. Sounds....odd. But garden tomatoes are the absolute BEST! So yummy. So different than store bought bland yucky ones.

  10. Happy Belated Bday!! I hope it was wonderful!! A solo shopping trip sounds like the perfect way to celebrate!! You are cooking, yeah for you Amy!! hugs, cathy


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