Tuesday, August 2, 2011

{Virtual Coffee}

hi there.
i'm glad you showed up today, but
 if we were really supposed to be meeting for coffee this morning, 
I would have to tell you to go ahead without me.
we are on our way to the doctor.
miss charlotte might have chicken pox.
ugh. i know. 
i really, really hope it's not...maybe it's something else all together? 
and by the way, people still get the chicken pox?!?
enjoy your coffee and i will check back in later.
*{ eta: it's not chicken pox! wahoooo! }


  1. keepin' my fingers crossed for you. that is icky indeed!

  2. chicken pox...oh hon- over the summer hols- poor little monkey!!

    did you make yours a double shot???

    back later- i need to get my kids out in the english sunshine whilst it lasts!!

    melissa xx

  3. oh no!!!!

    is the chix pox shot required everywhere? i know my kids had to have the vaccine to start school and then they had to have a booster! so thankfully, no pox here. i hope your coffee boosts you thru the day and that there are NO chix pox!!!

  4. poor pookie! I hope she gets to feeling better asap.

  5. Aww poor girl, hope it's not that! But I love your coffee cozy, I have one my best friend got me and I love it :)

  6. Poor baby! Chicken Pox is still pretty common here, it's not that bad usually, but still during the summer it's a total bummer! Hope she gets over it quickly!

  7. Oh I'm so sorry to hear it. But they do say that if you're going to get it, it's better to get it young-- if that's any consolation. I hope she isn't too uncomfortable, and I hope she's all better soon.

  8. Uh oh! Keep us posted. Love the cup wrap and Cinnamon Dolce is my absolute favorite!!

  9. Never fun :( Hope she heals up soon!

  10. oh, poor baby!! let us know what the doc says... *hugs 'n' kisses*

  11. Well *that's* exciting, isn't it? Sighs. I hope miss Charlotte is okay! :)

  12. Hope and pray your sweetie is feeling much better! When my teen was a baby he got chicken pox.... 4 total!!! I had 100s! Itchy itchy! Xoxoxox

  13. Glad to hear the pox isn't upon you. We lived through it in the spring and it wasn't that big a deal for us but each case is different. Yup, people still get chicken pox!

  14. Oh, thank goodness it's not chicken pox...and yeah don't they have a vaccine for that now. I remember having it and sitting around with calamine lotion dots all over my body and oven mitts on my hands...oh the days. Stay cool and have a good week.

  15. It isn't the pox but what is it? I know I'm so curious. And if it is itchy, get the Aveeno Anti-itch cream...the tube with the cream inside, the one meant for chicken pox that takes the itche away like presto!

  16. Hi, I'm a new follower. What a great linky idea.

    Hope your little girl feels better soon.

  17. Yaaaaaaaay! I'm so glad it's not chicken pox! That is the worst...I remember having it as a child. YUCK!

  18. Yay! So glad to hear it isn't chickpox. I'm with you - I thought kids didn't get that these days.


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