Tuesday, August 23, 2011

{Virtual Coffee}

good morning, friends.
happy tuesday to you.
i hope i didn't throw any of you off last week by not being here.
i decided to take the week off... kinda.
oh wait...did you even know i skipped last week?
anyway.....let's have coffee, okay?

if we were really meeting for coffee this morning i would tell you.....

that it is REALLY quiet around here today.
today is the first full day of school for wyatt, yesterday was a half day.
so far so good.
i have to tell you that i wasn't quite ready for school to start back up.
yes, they drive me absolutely crazy most days but i honestly like having them at home.
the good part is that it is kind of nice getting back into a routine.
talk to me in two weeks when my baby starts preschool though...
now that's gonna be ugly.

if we were really meeting for coffee this morning i would tell you that we had a special all-about-wyatt back-to-school dinner last night.
i let him choose anything he wanted and he chose spaghetti with Parmesan cheese, bread sticks,
"kids champagne" and brownies.
so that is exactly what we had.
pictures to come tomorrow because you know i had to do it up nie-nie style and go all out.
well, all out for me anyway...which actually wasn't too far out after all.

how was your weekend?
did you do anything fun?
our weekend was all about my birthday.
and me. which is just the way i like it. ; )
i think we did something to celebrate wednesday, friday, saturday and sunday.
see i told ya, all about me.
on saturday my sister kept the kids over night, from about 5:30 pm until we met at my parent's for dinner on sunday at 2:30. wow, that is a long time for us.
both of our parents will keep the kids overnight but they are usually picked up first thing in the morning.
anyway, it was really nice and the kids had a blast playing with their cousins.

for our birthday dinner my mom will fix anything we want, dessert included.
i wasn't as concerned about what we actually had for dinner but for dessert i picked peach pie
and chocolate pie this year. yum.
what is your favorite kind of pie? or dessert?
my list is long.

well, if we were really meeting for coffee this morning i would tell you that now i am going to have to get going and attempt to start chipping away at the list of things i thought maybe i would get done over the summer that i absolutely, positively did not.
i mean, not one thing on my mental list, didn't even attempt it.
sad, but true.

tonight i am going to see The Help finally.
i think every woman in the world has seen it by now except me.
hope everyone has a great day, thanks for stopping by for coffee!


  1. Lemonade peach pie sounds just divine.

    No linky this morning?

    Have a fabulous Tuesday!

  2. I missed you last week!! Glad you're back :) And I'm glad you had a good birthday weekend, and that Wyatt's back to school dinner was a success, it sounds fun!

  3. OH and you will LOVE 'The Help'...seriously great movie.

  4. I haven't seen The Help yet, either.

  5. Oh, my heart is heavy too with the back to school. I have had too much fun this summer and I will miss my boy while he is within those four walls of learning. I am also not nearly ready for the weather that ensues. And I haven't see The Help either but I loved the book. Any chocolate pie left? I love the way you have processed these photos, would you share?

  6. So glad to hear you had a lovely week off and a good birthday! My favorite pie list is long too, but it definitely involves rhubarb pie, key lime pie, anything chocolate, and chunky monkey banana cream. :)

    Haven't seen The Help, but I did enjoy the book. Have fun!

    P.S. What's kids' champagne?

  7. I haven't seen the help either, though I have the book... just haven't read it yet... I'm waaaay behind!
    I'm so not ready for preschool to start either, I get sad every time I drive by it (which is every time I get in the car as it's between my house and everywhere else). Hmmm never had peach pie, would your mom share the recipe perchance? Right this minute my favorite pies are blueberry, key lime, and chocolate pear, but my tastes seem to change on a minute by minute basis!

  8. oh, also would like to know what kids' champagne is!

  9. i want pie cooked my your mama!!!!

    so glad you had days & days & days ;) of bday stuff all about you- i so get that!!

    would love to sit with you and drink tea and talk about the kids going back to school- we're not quite there yet...a few more weeks over here...yehar!

    i'm packing for a little week away for the kiddos and i in Greece to end their school summer hols- just them and me and nothing else- maybe books and that husband!

    wanna meet me there- late bday pressie and all!!

    gotta meet your kids soon!!!!

    Melissa xxx

  10. sounds like a great week...all about amy :) and i haven't seen OR read the help yet. gasp! i need to do that :)

  11. Happy belated birthday!!! Enjoy The Help! (and I did miss you last week!)

  12. Totally missed you last week, and my internal calendar was all off, since we didn't do coffee.

    Happy Birthday. I'm sure we are the same age not a day over 21 right?

    And enjoy the movie. Take a box of kleenex it's a tear jerker.

    Good luck on your projects, and have a great week.

  13. happy birthday to you*i have not seen the help yet so you are not alone... of course, by now you might be sitting in the movie theatre* i did check over last week for coffee but everyone needs an unplanned day off!

  14. Happy belated birthday to you! Glad you had such a nice and extended celebration! The peach pie sounds delish. I'm not much of a baker, but your discussion and photo make me want to go peach-picking (if we're not too late) and bake us a pie! What a lovely dinner tradition before the first night of school-- thanks for sharing such a great idea! Ok, I have to admit-- I'm clueless about The Help. I'll have to go look it up. Thanks so much for coffee! Cheers to a good week!

  15. I LOVE Apple pie with the walnut/brown sugar crust! with a little ice cream on it!

    I saw The HElp this weekend!
    EXCELLENT movie, I even thought it did the book justice, which VERY FEW movies ever can do!!! so so good. but bring the tissues okay?
    I seriously had a lump in my throat walking out of there!!!!
    The other movie that did a book justice was Kite Runner, have you seen that? highly recommend, but sad also!!!

    we are on day 7 of school tomorrow and the girls are doing GREAT, but it's alot of work for me! homeschooling is amazing, but HARD at the same time!


  16. My boys go back the last second I remembered that I wanted to do something Nie Nie we ran to Trader Joe's and grabbed a Strawberry Rhubarb pie + vanilla ice cream. It was all good! Loved The + book!

  17. Hey! Just wanted to leave a quick comment. I am a new follower of your blog, I found your blog through cassie at life through this lens's blog. =D

  18. I didn't know about this amazing and fun meme..I can't wait to link up.
    Now, I am an olden woman...but cool :)..and ...I LOVE having coffee with ladies and visiting..I'll be back next Tuesday.
    xo bj


leave me a know you wanna.