Tuesday, September 20, 2011

{Virtual Coffee}

Good morning.
If you join me for coffee this morning I will try not to cough on you.
I said try, I'm not making any promises.
Oh yes, coffee. Now. Please. 
I have had so many nights in a row up hacking with little sleep,
so the coffee is definitely a necessity this morning.
So pull up a chair and join me, I just made my hillbilly latte with extra cinnamon and
 I would totally make you one too, if you would like.
I could also make you regular coffee or green tea, or vanilla tea...whatcha think? Diet coke?

So, if we were really meeting for coffee this morning,  I would have to tell you all about our 
weekend in Indiana. I have a bunch of pictures to share this morning so I hope you don't mind.
Every year we stay at these cabins at a State Park in Indiana, my little family along with my parents
 and some aunts, uncles and cousins. It is a beautiful park. And the best part? 
We had perfect Fall weather this time. Perfect.
Like jeans and long sleeves during the day and adding a sweatshirt at night, that kind of perfect. 

The leaves there were just starting to change a little...just a little ahead of us here next door in Illinois.
I just imagine how pretty that park looks in about three weeks when the leaves have all turned.

Kid's shoes drying off on the picnic table after walking through the creek and climbing the waterfall.
How come I never, ever remember extra tennis shoes?

 Our little cabin...Cabin #5 was good to us again this year, unlike my mom & dad's cabin
 that had bats lurking around it and in the screened porch. eeeeeek, one of my huge fears is bats and one swooped right over my head a few times, you should have seen how fats I jumped up and ran inside...
I just might have left Wyatt out on the porch.

The waterfall and the creek was pretty dry this year, suffering from little rainfall like many
other parts of the country. We love to hike through the creek to the small waterfall and this year all
 the kids, including Charlotte, climbed up it--with help.

Are you tired of the pictures and me going on and on about the gorgeous Fall weather, yet?
You can excuse yourself to go get a refill if you want, I don't mind.
We go on a hayride every year and this year it was a lot of fun because it was at 7:30 so it started
out in the daylight and by the time it was finished it was dark and getting chillier. The ride goes
 through the whole park, through the camp ground and all of the hay riders try to get
everyone to honk/yell/cheer for them. Yep, I am the mom and my favorite part of the
weekend is the hayride, there I admitted it, it's true.

So that was our weekend...or some of it anyway. I definitely needed an un-plugged weekend,
no tv and no internet...but I'm not giving up my camera--or my phone but it is only used
 for calls/texting. I hate going home after our little weekend away but feeling like crap
 and dreaming of sleeping in my own bed always makes it a bit easier I guess.


Tell me about your weekend..what did you do?
Is it feeling like Fall at all yet where you are?
Now I am off to pack a lunch, make myself presentable, chauffeur kids to school....I'll check back
 later on and hopefully visit everyone for coffee--I know I have been bad about that lately
 but I am really going to try and get to everyone's place today!
Thanks for joining me here this week.


  1. Oh it looks like such a beautiful weekend and what a wonderful trip! Glad you got a chance to unplug and unwind! I hope you get over your bug soon though.

  2. Such sweet shots, especially love the horses. I almost hate to admit it but I have been finding the fall weather quite delightful. I still miss the warmth of summer but a touch of magic is in the air this autumn and I am learning to embrace it. When my boy is sick I put Vicks on his feet at night (covered promptly with socks to prevent the sheets getting oily) and he always sleeps through the night with no coughing. Hope you feel better soon, maybe another hillbilly latte will give you the zip you need to get through the day.

  3. Hi sweet....can't believe you're still not well- you need to come to Malta with me- yep bring the hubby and kiddos- we'd all have a ball!!

    loving all the photos- do i remember this trip from last year?? or have you been in-between??

    it looks like the perfect extended family holiday spot...and yes, give it three weeks- and heaven...the colours!!

    snuggle up honey bun...Melissa xxx

  4. I sat here and sipped my coffee and enjoyed all your lovely pictures. :) We had such a busy weekend that I hardly had time to breathe. It was good, but I feel kind of frazzled now. We are getting some fallish weather here and I LOVE it. So wonderful to fling open the windows . . .

  5. What a gorgeous weekend you had! We're still not *really* feeling fall yet, but that's to be expected down here. We won't see long sleeves for at least another month.
    Oh, I finally joined in today...virtual coffee at my place :)

  6. My weekend was far sadder... which made seeing one like yours all the sweeter! A wonderful reminder that there are seasons and times for everything.

    Love the pictures - and looking forward to fall making it a bit further South soon!

  7. That's so awesome you got to go spend a weekend at a cabin! Looks like a lovely time--and I loved your pics, my favorite is the one of Charlotte with her hands up in the air on top of the's so adorable!

  8. i want to go next time :) looks like a super fun place to be in the fall!

  9. That looks like such a great trip! Our weather is in the 80's all week so it's not feeling like fall at all! I am looking forward to jeans soon though... maybe in a month?

  10. Gorgeous photos! I had a brother who lived in Indiana and always love visiting there in the fall (not winter though!) It looks like y'all had a wonderful time. My weekend consisted of keeping my grands which I love doing and enjoying the still warm weather here in South Louisiana. Thanks for sharing yours!!

  11. Fall is one of the most beautiful seasons. Love your photos.

  12. Sounds like a great time! And I'm pretty sure Wyatt could handle himself with the bat ;)

  13. Aaah, stopped by while waiting for my plane but the stupid connection won't load your pics. Very disappointed, but will be back when get home. I love hay rides too! Though I'm not ready for fall to start until after my mom's wedding, so I need two more weeks warm weather please!

  14. Thank you for posting those pictures! I just lived vicariously through you. It is hot in the state of Texas still and "fall" temperatures don't happen until well into November/December. Sigh.


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