Thursday, September 1, 2011

{Welcoming September}

It is so hard for me to believe that somehow it is already September 1.
But it is and considering it is supposed to be 100* here today, I am ready for September.
I am ready for Fall and cooler temperatures and the changing season.
Just a few other things I am looking forward to today...

It has been a long, super hot summer and I think we might be ready to Welcome in
 Fall later this month.
What about you...what are you looking forward to in September?



  1. Oh we are glad it is September too! Now if only the weather would cooperate!! lovely pictures Amy. And I love the frames and funky tape! How DID you do that?!?!:)
    have a happy day

    everytime i pop in over here your border are as obsessed with Shabby Blogs as me!:)

  2. Some great things to look forward to, I too can't wait for the changing colours, collecting pine cones and also conkers, bonfires, fireworks, dark nights, big jumpers and open fires, Halloween it won't be long now :)

  3. i'm with you. ready for the season switch for sure. love your photos, amy :)

  4. your pics are just cute as a button. i love your blog design too. did you do it yourself?? anyhoo...looking forward to getting back in a routine. starting to create again etc... it will be good:)

  5. uh never mind i see shabby blogs there. i used to do that! need to check out what meg has cooked up:)

  6. Fall is my favorite season! I am ready for everything! I love the changing of the trees... the smell of Fall, the baking too! I just love the feel of the fresh crisp air =)

  7. I'm with ya, girl! :) Can't wait for fall! Love your pictures!

  8. So looking forward to Fall, as it is 103 today in Texas! Im most looking forward to opening the windows and letting a cool breeze blow through the house. And the smell of fresh baked banana bread. And camping, fishing and smores! Thanks for the happy thoughts this morning. Have a great one!

  9. Fall is my favorite!!!
    Can't wait to cook some yummy soups, meal plan better, fire pit more often, bike rides, more books, layers of clothing!!!
    LOVE these photos so very much! esp. that first one!!!!!!!!

  10. Yes to each of these!! I baked banana bread yesterday even though it was near 90 degreees. And I really want a Pumpkin Spice Latte something fierce.


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