Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Great Pumpkin Patch

Yes, we just went to the Pumpkin Patch Saturday.
Like, two days before Halloween...I know, I know.
This weekend I am scrounging around trying to do all of the things we have wanted to do
before Halloween. It just hasn't worked out lately, so we're cramming it all in best we can.
So we did the Pumpkin Patch because Eric was out of town all day anyway, then Boo at The Zoo
with the cousins in the evening.
It was a full day.
But a pretty good one.

One thing I learned about going to the Pumpkin Patch so close to Halloween?
I did not spend nearly as much money as I usually do there.
I already had some little pumpkins on the front porch so all we needed was a couple of pumpkins
for carving--and believe it or not, that's all we left with.
That never happens.

In case you didn't know, I am not a huge fan of jam-packed weekends.
I like empty, open weekends where we can just all hang out together doing whatever we (I) want.
No rushing.
That's my kinda weekend.
But we have full ones, then some not-so-full ones, so it all balances out.
I will be looking forward to a less busy one next weekend.

Sunday we went to my sister's to celebrate my parent's birthdays.
I made pumpkin bars for dessert because it's the perfect time of year for those, right?
The kids got to play all day and went on a haunted train ride with their cousins.
There is nothing my kids like better than playing with their cousins.
Another full, but good day.

Tomorrow night will be the end of the Halloween festivities for us.
I think I'll kinda be ready for that.
The kids are so excited about trick-or-treating, man I used to love trick-or-treating.
But I did hate getting those orange and black peanut butter know what I mean?
What are your Halloween plans? What is/was your favorite Halloween candy?
Hope you all have a great day.


  1. Here in Australia Halloween is starting to catch on. I'm resisting!! Just another celebration that is out of season for us here. Can you imagine how much those pumpkies would cost in Spring?!? Enjoy yourselves. x

  2. I am a total reese girl. Tonight I will just sip wine and hand out candy to other people's children. This will be the first year my boys aren't even dressing up. I have cried the last 2-3 Halloweens but now that we've officially outgrown it in our home I think I am okay. We'll see.

  3. i love open empty weekends too. does it hardly ever happen? um, no..maybe this coming weekend? we shall see.
    and can you send over a pumpkin bar for me?? :)

  4. i love open weekends too. those are what fill most of ours;) where in the world is the homestead bakery?? none of those places looked familiar. a gem i didn't know about?? great pics as always. you blow my mind!

  5. That pumpkin butter looks mighty interesting! I took my kids trick or treating here in Italy for the first time this year... not the same experience I had growing up in the US... but we take what we can get, right?! Maybe in a few years it'll really catch on! (I'm doing my best to speed the process along though
    I love your shots of the pumpkin patch, so romantic!

  6. I love the light you capture.

    Anyway, yes I loathed the black & orange candies, too. Yuck!

  7. So magical! So beautiful! I looove those pb candies you hate... I was so disappointed we didn't get any this year. :) hope you had a wonderful night of trick or treating festivities!!


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