Friday, October 21, 2011


Just a little bit of my week in pictures, iPhone-style.
No school today...a completely free day with nothing we HAVE TO DO.
 Oh, how I love long weekends. Is there anything better?
What are your weekend plans?
Happy happy Friday, y'all...hope it's a good one.
life rearranged


  1. AWESOME photos Amy!
    What a week!:)
    No school for you...lucky girl!
    We are hoping to make it to the pumpkin patch this weekend. Weather should be perfect right?
    have a happy day amy

  2. We have a long weekend, too, but ours is filling up fast. It seems to happen more often than not. Grocery shopping, a visit with my parents, church on Sunday, and a senior photo shoot tomorrow. I'm really nervous about that last one! Eeek!

  3. I'll be chaperoning my daughters first dance this evening!! I promised to stay far away from her :/

  4. have a super awesome day with your kiddos!

  5. Looks like a busy week! Just love extra long weekends in October. We've got a Homecoming parade this afternoon, tomorrow is full of pumpkin patches, arts festivals and pumpkin carving, and if I can find time-homemade apple pie. And maybe I will catch up on laundry. or maybe not.
    Have a great one!
    (on a side note, I have that cute little honey can in my kitchen and luv it)

  6. Wow, you are really on top of it with all the photos of your week!! enjoyed looking!!!

    Happy Friday

  7. horray for long weekends! enjoy!!

  8. Soooo many great shots ;D I love your selfie! Enjoy your long weekend......sigh..... gotta love just chillin'

  9. Hope your out having fun on your long weekend. Looks like your week was filled with it. :)


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