Thursday, October 6, 2011


{Warning :: Serious overuse of the word LOVE in this post}

Yesterday I had to make an early morning run to the grocery store for dog food, 
cereal and coffee before Eric left for work. Early morning trips to the store 
deserve a reward I think, especially when I think I might have been sleep-walking through
 the store and when there are only the self-check lanes open...
but don't let me get started on that rant, you don't want to hear it.
 So I just couldn't pass up a little bouquet of flowers for myself.
Charlotte would have picked pink but I was alone and I wanted yellow, so I got yellow.

The last time I was at the Dollar Store I picked up this can of tomato sauce for the
 sole purpose of  filling it with flowers later. I love this can.
 I love it and it was a bargain at one dollar, right?
I have visions of having a big Italian Sunday dinner and filling a few of
these cans with flowers for the dining room table. 

Cheap and cute.
Oh, how I LOVE cheap and cute.


It's really hard for me to pass up candy corn at the grocery store this time of year.
Candy corn = Fall.
And it doesn't hurt that the yellow/orange and aqua look so good together.
Just sayin'.
Do you love candy corn?
 I do like it, especially mixed with peanuts (tastes just like a Payday) but I think I might
like having a bowl of it sitting around looking pretty as much as I like eating it.


I love my new locket. Love-love-love it.
Stand In Your Light.
It's perfect, so perfect.
As soon as I saw it I felt like it was made for me....does that ever happen to you?
I do need a tiny picture to put in there though.
Check out more of Liz's fantastic creations here.

I am a quote person.
Always pinning them, writing them down on scraps of paper,
bookmarking them, not reciting them ; )
I love this one.
If I was smart enough, I would make this one of those things
 you could download and print.
Sadly, I am not.
Hope you find something you really love,
that makes you really happy today.


  1. I loved everything about this post! Love the flowers in the tomato can! And I love the quote!

  2. I loved this post too!
    lOVE that can!!!

  3. great post!

    and candy corn is my FAVORITE fall candy. i have never tried them with peanuts but i am TOTALLY trying that asap.


  4. I adore everything you do... From the cheap and cute to irresistible candy corn! So nice to be reminded of the simple things that can bring us so much bliss and joy. :)


leave me a know you wanna.