Tuesday, October 11, 2011

{Virtual Coffee}

Good morning.
Happy Tuesday everyone.
It is a beautiful morning and it is my dad's many
 Birthdays in our family this month. Today my dad, tomorrow Eric's grandpa and
then Thursday Miss Charlotte. A good week to be born.

So, if we were really meeting for coffee this morning...
 I would tell you to prepare yourself--for lots and lots of pictures and probably lots and lots
of rambling about my weekend away.
So,  go pour yourself a hot cup of coffee, or whatever sounds good this morning, 
grab something to eat and get comfy.

A pretty drive,  just a few hours north for me, and we are here at Na-Da Farm.
What a perfect weekend for a road trip, I got to see all of the beautiful trees changing
 colors along my way. This is what a lot of my drive looked like.
Pretty and peaceful and I got to listen to music as loud as I wanted in the car....
that doesn't happen too often, so I took full advantage.

Vendor's tents set up outside the barn 

This is just outside the big Barn where the sale was held, love those posts lining the path to the barn.
My pictures do not do the inside of the barn justice, not at all.
Anne Marie has an amazing eye for detail and such creativity, seriously.
The inside was decorated in burlap and white and tree branches and feathers,
chandeliers and bales of was so cool.
It was hard to get good shots of the whole inside though because it was so crowded.

I know, right? Look at all that cute-ness. 
Every tent was filled with the cutest handmade and vintage items.
Love, love, love.
I'll have to do a separate show-and-tell post later this week on what I got there.
If you are in Illinois, or nowhere near Illinois for that matter, this is worth your trip.
We met people from Wisconsin, Indiana, Michigan and Georgia.
The Barn Sale, the classes, the whole weekend...definitely worth your trip.
We have already made plans to be there next October.

Just a few shots of the classes.
Oh, the classes.
Yesterday I said that the weekend far exceeded our expectations and it honestly did.
Before we went, we talked about how if it all wasn't all that good at least we had a weekend
 away just to hang out. And that would have been true, it would have still been worth it,
BUT it really was all that good.
All of it.

If we were really meeting for coffee this morning.... I would have to ask if you are even still listening?
I think I will have to save the rest about the classes for another day.
I have so much to say, it was so good you guys.
It was the best feeling to be surrounded by so many creative people, I felt so in my element....
and left there feeling inspired and encouraged and happy.
Thanks so much for joining me for coffee this morning and listening to me ramble.
How are you? What is going on in your little corner of the world?
Hope everyone has a great day.


  1. looks wonderful. your pics of the landscape were my favorite. i miss IL! so glad you had fun...yay:) knew you would.

  2. Looks like such a fun weekend. I love the photos of the fall foliage.

  3. Yay! So glad your weekend exceeded your expectations!

    Those pictures of the trees are breathtaking. I miss seeing fall in nature.

    I am waiting patiently to see what you bought (cause it looks like I would have bought everything).

  4. My brother's birthday is Thursday too..great day :)

    Gorgeous foliage! Looks like you had a really great weekend!

  5. Looks like you had a great time! Can't wait to see your follow up post (and a pic of the interior of the barn?). Will be joining in only vicariously today as am s.i.c.k. so thanks for coffee, I'll have a ginger ale instead!

  6. How exciting. Looks like an amazing weekend. I was wondering if the leaves would have started to change yet. I just happen to be free in October next year.....

  7. that looked amazing! i should start looking for some fairs around these parts!!

    just brewed some coffee!

  8. How fun is that?! I wanna go. I love those old medicine bottles. "face beautifier." lol

  9. How wonderful! It sounds like it was right up your creative alley! And a kid-free drive with beautiful leaves and loud music - eeeeeeeee! Add to that a kid-free weekend (even though we love our kids we love to have that time to remind ourselves we are something other than moms too). Perfect!

  10. That picture of the tree in the field is gorgeous. You need to make that baby as big as you can and display it somewhere for all to see!!!!

  11. Can't wait to hear more about it!! It looks amazing ;D

  12. october is a good birthday month. i love your pictures, and how they each captured a little bit of fall in them.

  13. What a beautiful and creative weekend!!! I need one of those. :)

  14. What a fun event! Those towels looks like theyre straight out of Anthropologie! Love them!

  15. Wow! Just wow. I so want to be there. You captured it so perfectly I almost felt like i was. I think the photo of the jelly jars is my fav.


leave me a know you wanna.