Friday, November 25, 2011


I think I ate enough starches yesterday to last me a good month or two....
Homemade noodles, rolls, stuffing, corn casserole.
Hello Thanksgiving dinner, I love you.
Just a few pictures from the last couple of days...

1. charlotte by the pond at sunset
2. calico critters lined up to watch the macy's thanksgiving day parade
3. char & cousin gabrielle
4. black friday bowling
5. chocolate turkeys

6. another pretty view at my uncle's
7. my girl
8. sunset
9. rose on my bedside table from wyatt
10. bowling

11. my boy picked out his own outfit for thanksgiving; corduroys, dress shirt, 
suit jacket and converse. love him.
12. favorite bracelet
13. the kid's table-complete with Shirley Temples to drink
14. Bramer cousins
15. favorite words

Happy, happy Friday y'all.
We still have Saturday and Sunday.

life rearranged
ooops, i was wrong.
on instagram i am @lucky13amy


  1. Love these little peeks into your life. Great pictures. Looks like you had a wonderful time surrounded by your favourite people. Those are the best times :)

    Have a lovely weekend!

  2. Your thanksgiving look so very blessed. I love the idea of black friday bowling by the way.


  3. The bracelet, the chocolate turkeys and your new header=L-O-V-E
    Happy weekend Amy:)

  4. Beautiful photos!! I love bowling!

  5. i love those little calico critters. i have a feeling that lucy is going to be obsessed with them very soon...and i probably won't like them very much after that! ;)

    thanks for linking up!!!


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