Tuesday, November 29, 2011

{Virtual Coffee}

Good morning.
I am up early, working on my (gasp) Christmas to-do list and sipping my homemade latte
with peppermint creamer. That's my little seasonal addition, I make my usual latte and just
add a dash of peppermint mocha creamer, it makes me feel like it's a little more festive anyway.
So grab a cup and join me, we probably have a lot to catch up on this morning, huh?

So, if we were really meeting for coffee this morning...
You would have to tell me all about your big holiday weekend...How was it...
what did you do... where did you go? And did you over-indulge in all
things(beer, food, wine, shopping...) like I did? It's time for a serious detox on all of
those except for the shopping.


On Saturday we took a little road trip to this huge store that has all kind of outdoorsy things;
 hunting, sports, skiing, name it, they had it. This place was huge and crazy
and somewhere I would probably only want to visit every couple of years but the kids
thought it was pretty cool. It is redneck heaven, it really is, and no offense to the rednecks.
Guns, hunting, fishing, everything camouflage.... : )

But there was also ferris wheels, a play area, restaurant, aquariums....kinda crazy.
And some great photo ops, love the one of the kids with the bear and Wyatt with his big catch.
Oh, and guess who found a bow and arrow set he wants Santa to bring him for Christmas?
The arrows have suction cups on the end so I think I can handle that, it's not a real set but a
kid-friendly set.

So, if we were really meeting for coffee this morning I would need to know if you have
started your Christmas shopping yet? And please don't tell me you are done, k? I actually have
a decent start on mine this year....maybe a third done? Which is way better than where
I usually am by this I am feeling kind of good about myself.

But you know what? It's much more difficult with my little side-kick this year, nothing is
getting past her. Oh well, I am just gonna have to get more creative with my shopping.
Well, although I would love to pretend like I had nothing to do all day except sit and chat with
you and drink coffee in my pj's in reality I need to get myself ready and I have a lunch to make
and kids to get ready for school.
Thanks so much for stopping by here today, I do love the company!
Have a great day.


  1. i do the peppermint mocha too. it makes me soooo happy;) love your pics as always girlie. i hope you can be sneaky. i always had a blanket to cover stuff up real quick if they were with me. it's kind of a fun challenge:)

  2. loving all the pics - esp. of the kids in front of the BIG bear :)
    thank you for perking me up with all your news xx

  3. Currently sipping on my peppermint mocha too.We have about half of the shopping for our kids done.Granted we have 4 and each child gets 3 gifts each. So that's like 6 things?

  4. no I'm not done! i'm about half though I think on the shopping front. and that store looks like the Bass Pro Shop we went to TWICE in Tulsa. it is like the midwest Disneyland to my kids. are you making anything inspiring for gifts this year? i feel like i need a good idea for something simple to work on...

  5. We have one gift so far. So, no... not done at all. lol! But that isn't new. we are procrastinators in this household. Also, we had a cold that wouldn't go away. I understand about your sick side-kick. I hope Charlotte feels better.

    The store wouldn't be cabelas would it? In the town my hubby now works they have a huge cabelas. HUGE! We love going there though.

    Nice havin coffee with ya chica. :)

  6. Love the pictures! It looks like ya'll had fun! =D I am so NOT done Christmas shopping, probably because I haven't even started yet! Eeekkk.

    Thanks for the coffee friend!

  7. hi there :) i love your list in the top pic...glitter animals. love it!! i wanna glitter something too!

  8. Your pictures are amazing ! They pop!
    You will have to come visit my blog ! I love taking lots of pictures ! \

  9. Hi Amie I'm Veronica and I love your blog. Your photos are wonderful and your life stories are sweet and truthful. Nice to meet you!


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