Thursday, December 1, 2011

Antiquin' and Barn-Spottin'

First :: Thanks for all of the comments yesterday.
I do love you guys and I do appreciate every comment and email and text and
every word of encouragement, truly I do.
I should have clarified; at the end of yesterday's post I was talking about Parenthood the tv show ; )
I do love parenthood the job as well and love these kids to pieces but Parenthood the show is
awesome and I have just recently started watching it. There, now I feel better.


So yesterday morning when I dropped Charlotte off at preschool she said;
"I feel like going antiquing today!" That girl makes a mama proud.
I had actually been thinking about going sometime this week anyway, so antiquing we went.
We wen to an antique mall about a half hour away and just made a a day of it.
Antiquing, lunch and a drive through the country while the SUN was shining = perfect day.

Look who accidentally parked here, looked up and saw the sign and had to move.
I don't normally take my big camera in antique shops with me but today I did and I 
was glad because I saw so much cute stuff.
And the yellow flowered 1950's tray? Kinda mad I didn't get that. Super cute.

Just a few of the many things we spotted.
Lunch was at this cute little All-American Diner, Ted's Garage.
Good food, super yummy milkshakes along with real cars and old-school gas pumps inside.
Oh and check out the lights above the tables, I am in love with those.
Wyatt would have loved it too, so we will have to go back.

We had to hop off of the interstate and make a bit of a detour through the country because
we had time to kill and it was such a pretty day.
A little cold but sunny and I don't think the sun has really shown it's face for nearly a week.
Or that's what it feels like anyway.

Charlotte is my little barn-spotter.
I have a thing for old barns and will happily go out of my way to take pictures of them so she is
always on the look-out for me.
My grandma and grandpa had a neat old barn like this when I was little, which started my
love of barns a long time ago...maybe one day I will have my own.
One of my dreams is to publish a book of old barns in the Midwest before they are all gone.
I might just do it one day...or I might just take a whole bunch of pictures of them and
not make them into a book.

Happy, happy day to you.
Hope the sun is shining where you are!


  1. Like mother like daughter, so super cool :D looks like you had a great day antiquing and some great photos too x x x x

  2. What a fun day! I'm not craving a hand-made milkshake.

  3. What a fun day! I would have been all over those Golden Books.I collect them for my little Stella but I need to admit that they are probably more for me than her ;)

  4. Now I feel like going antiquing today! Make the book!

  5. I love barns too! but I am so not good at taking pictures of things, only people! trying to improve on that. I think you SHOULD publish them! and come here we have LOTS of barns in Plainfield! LOL!

  6. Love every little tidbit in this post. Coming home soon...where were you antiquing? I'm dying here. Where's the good junk?

  7. ted's garage. . . are we neighbors??? yes, now after looking at your about me page, you live in central illinois too. fun!!! now i need to explore your blog in my free time. :)

  8. becks is right. the antiquing here is um....expensive. very. it stinks. take advantage of the junk, sista...and way to train them up right :)

  9. A sone of the commentors of parenthood, that is too funny! Definitely keep taking those pictures of would make a lovely book of things that will be lost one day.


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