Sunday, December 4, 2011

Gettin' All Christmasy

Today we done decorated this house for Christmas.
It is finished.
And I am glad.
The tree is up and decorated and the empty boxes have been taken back up to the attic.
That's an exhausting job, huh?

Mt cute little jars are filled with flour.
Flour and trees and tiny deer I already had.
I had a big box of these jars in my craft closet, too, just waiting for a project.

It's a relief to have it all done.
Well, except for the mantle because our tv is up there, which I really kind of hate but it
is the best spot for it in this room, but it makes decorating up there a little awkward.
Oh well, I will finish that up this week.
Now I'm worn out.
Here is something that will most likely NOT last another Christmas season....

The mouse that plays the cymbals and sings "Deck The Halls" in possibly the most
annoying voice you have ever heard in your life.
I have a feeling some type of "accident" might befall our little mouse friend soon.
Hope you all had a lovely weekend.


  1. Ugh! Our tv is on the mantle too. I really need a non-tv room for books and a big comfy chair!

    Your tree looks great :)

  2. I have those murderous thoughts of many an annoying gadget my kids turn up with. Oooops, I wonder how that happened? It was easier when they didn't know batteries could be replaced yet.

  3. oh yes...we've had plenty of really "unfortunate" accidents take place at our house too ;)
    i got my decorating done too and i love that my house is small right now and it took me like NO time at probably didn't want to hear that because your back is probably still hurting, but aren't you glad for me?? :)

  4. Oh I love christmas :D x x x x

  5. for some reason decorating was such a chore this year. made me hate on christmas a bit. isn't that horrible?? love those brush tree wonderlands. i've seen them on pinterest and i swear i'm all over that. if i can ever get in the mood that is;)

  6. your decorations are so adorable! love your trees!
    happy monday!

    ps my son acquired a tacky 'birdhouse' wreath and a garfield ornament that are going to 'get lost' really FAST! ;)

  7. your trees in jars are soooooo gorgeous Amy- i love it all- these are the kinda photos your kids will look back on and love...

    melissa xxx


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