Ten on Ten:: Take One

Thursday, September 10, 2009

I have followed Rebekah's blog for  a while now and was excited to participate in my *first*
Ten on Ten  today. The idea is to  take a photograph for 10 consecutive hours on the 10th of the month...just kind of your day in pictures. So,  now I feel like I must add here that I by no means consider myself a photographer, not at all. I love pictures, love taking pictures but I'm just having fun. Oh yeah, and my camera is an el-cheapo. Seriously. Just had to make that clear. Enjoy!

September:: Ten on Ten



  1. Thank for coming by and visitiing. Isn't 10 on 10 so much fun. It is really something I have been looking forward to for quite some time now. Great job on your 10 on 10... by the way, even though you aren't a photographer you still did a wonderful job capturing your day. :)

  2. Amy- Just saw your comment on my ten on ten. Just getting to looking at everyones myself. I love your first picture because I can tell we have the same taste for little girl clothes. I can seriously pick out several things we have in there.


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