Weekend At The Cabin::

Monday, February 1, 2010

This past weekend we had a little winter get-away at my parent's cabin. My sister and her family, my brother and his family,  my parents and my little family. Eight adults and six kids all in one cabin. It was freezing outside but the kids didn't care, they begged to go outside so they could go slide on the pond, so we did.  Lots of sliding on the ice, walks through the woods, finding the perfect walking stick, and looking for animal tracks outside. Inside there was lots of hide-and-seek, fort-building, movies, drawing, and snacks. Saturday night was a full moon and once the kids learned this one was considered a
"Wolf Moon" they were so excited, just by the name of it. We had to walk out a few times to see it, as well as all the stars, the stars are so plentiful and bright out in the country, which I love. Such a fun, relaxing weekend and although I love winter at the Cabin, now I can't wait for Spring at the cabin. 

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