Artificial Spring::

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

(Or another post about the weather....)
I feel like I am always on here whining about the weather but this Winter has been really long. Really long. I think it started snowing in November and we have definitely had more snow than usual this year.  And the sun? I honestly don't mind the cold if the sun is out, it can even be freezing as long as there is sunlight at some point during the day. But until then I will buy myself flowers from the grocery store and trick us all into thinking that the season really is changing...
And the Easter decorations are coming out this week, I don't care if it does seem early. I am going to make it feel like Spring around here one way or another.


  1. Love that bird card. Is it an old flash card?

  2. They are actually reproduction flash cards, I have some hanging on a little clothesline in Charlotte's bedroom!

  3. That last shot is really great. Perfect lighting.

    Oh, spring. Please hurry.

  4. great photos
    spring .. oh we are so ready for you

  5. These pictures are lovely, Amy! And they certainly do scream spring to me...which I am oh-so-anxious for as well!


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