Sunday, April 3, 2011

{Counting Stars}

That's what it feels like when we get down to the Cabin and step out of the car.
Like taking a big, deep breath.
Of fresh air.
And I mean that both literally and figuratively.
This weekend was the perfect Spring weekend to be there.
And there we were.

Things are just barely starting to turn green.
Little tiny buds are popping out and bulbs are peeking out of the ground through left-over Fall leaves.
The sun was out and the birds were singing.
Turtles were sunning themselves on a log in the pond.
We saw deer tracks in the woods and raccoon tracks in the creek.
The girls picked flowers and we saw the our first of many dandelions of the year.

Last night after we walked over to our Cabin from the Farm and got settled in for the night,
I stepped outside to take a look at the sky.
There were hundreds of stars in the sky.
Literally, hundreds of stars.
And I had one of those quick moments were I stop for just a second (on my way to the outhouse)
and realize just how lucky we really are.
Lucky to be able to see this sky.
Lucky to be able to be here with my little family.
For the kids to have the chance to play with their second cousins.

I try my best to remember, but I don't always.
Not to take it for granted, this perfectly-imperfect little life of mine.
To fully acknowledge how lucky we are.
And not just acknowledge it, but to actually live like I know it.
And sometimes I think the best reminder is to step away.
From home and our usual routine.
To unplug and relax.
To take walks through the woods and push little ones on tire swings and sit in front of a fire.
To watch the kids run and play without a care in the world.
And inhale that fresh country air.
And count the stars.


  1. Some of those pictures are AMAZING. Seriously, I wish I could frame them!

  2. Couldn't have said it better myself.
    Would love to have a retreat like that, but with indoor plumbing. :-)
    Your photos are stunning...only you could make barbed wire and a pile of logs look beautiful...Very nice indeed!

  3. beautiful!
    I feel that way when I go to my parents house. they have 40 acres in upper MI and it's totally they are 8 miles from Lake SUperior and it's also so pretty and so much fun!
    love this post!
    great pix!

  4. Don't mind Cory and I. We're just here drooling over your photos... ;)

  5. *deep breath...sigh*
    oh, how beautiful.
    the green!
    the peace:)
    the sweet little kiddos. heh:)
    you're making me miss my camera. charger. :P

  6. Beautiful photography!

    Your site is beautiful and inspirational. I’m now following you and looking forward to future posts. Can I subscribe to you via feedburner and receive emails when you post?

    Regards, Mari

  7. I love the photos. Refreshingly Spring and their smiles, really a treasure to work for in a scrapbook. Wonderfully warm.

  8. saaaaweet :) running in the light!

  9. What a wonderful "getaway"! My parents have a cottage on a small lake; its my entire family's favorite place to recharge on the summer weekends.

  10. first time on your site....your photography is wonderful! I'll be checking in often~ xo beth larson

  11. i feel more relaxed just having read this post!
    you know i heart your photos like crazy, right? cause i do!

  12. your eye through your lens tells us how grateful you are for your life. you find beauty and notice what's blooming, whether in a landscape or a windowsill or a face. i think sometimes even though you say you forget to consciously feel grateful, your lens never does. that's what is so amazing. and you're right, getting away helps to make exactly what you're grateful for more clear. what a great opportunity.

  13. oh wow..t his post.... is seriously.... breathtaking.. no other word for it....

    the iamges.. the words..the feelings.. a little girl with a handful of daffys.... and barbed wire... and exploring.. all the things im most hungry for these days..... a little space to roam.


leave me a know you wanna.