Tuesday, April 5, 2011

{Virtual Coffee}

Hey there.
It's Tuesday morning, time for coffee.
Homemade mocha with skim milk steamed with my frother and lots of cinnamon on top for me.
Whatcha having?

So if we were really meeting for coffee this morning...

I would tell you that I have to meet up with another parent at school to handle some kindergarten
 musical business. Somehow I ended up being one of three parents "in charge" of the musical--and I use the term "in charge" lightly because I'm just not organized enough for all that and I tried to tell them that.
Oh well, the musical is going to be hilarious and adorable and I  can't wait to see my little
 guy up there singing.

Well folks, I know you are waiting for my weather report...because it wouldn't be Coffee without
 us complaining about the weather, right? So I am here to tell you that we busted the heavy coats
back out yesterday.
It's true. All of that beautiful sunshiny gorgeousness we had over the weekend? Gone, gone, gone.
I'm over even complaining about it at this point though. 
Yesterday was windy and a little chilly and there was no sun to be found.
But really? I had a lot of housework to catch up on after being gone for most of the weekend,
so it was the perfect excuse to stay in and get stuff done.

This boy lost his first front tooth on Sunday.
He looks different and big and it looks pretty damn cute though.

So, if we were meeting in person today I would have to show you a few more pictures from our weekend at The Cabin. The picture above is of The Farm, which is my aunt's family's cabin. 
It is an old, old cabin that has been in their family for a long time. If you walk back through those woods about 1/4 of a mile you will be at my parent's cabin; aka: The Cabin. My parent's bought land
 from my aunt and uncle and built their cabin on it maybe 5-6 years ago. Just to clarify all that.

Oh--if we were really meeting for coffee today I would definitely have to tell you how addicted I have become to Pinterest  lately. Seriously. I could get lost over there for hours if I let myself.
Have you checked it out? Are you on Pinterest? Wait--is that what you even say; on it? 
I'm new to the Pinterest game so I'm still trying to figure it all out but it is definitely addictive. 

So what's new with you this week? Did you do anything fun over the weekend?
Thanks for stopping by here today for coffee.
Before you left though I would send you off with a bag of oatmeal butterscotch cookies.
I made a double batch so Eric won't even know I gave away any of his cookies.
Happy Tuesday everyone!


  1. looks like a lovely time was spent at the cabin!
    hey, did i miss the winners in the earring giveaway?!

  2. I don't know what Pinterest is, wil lhave to check it out (did you just gasp in disbelief?)

    Also. LOVE the lit porch pic - awesome!

  3. I got stuck on the butterscotch cookies...mmmmm....

  4. Looks like a fantastic weekend at the cabin. I am laughing at your toothless guy. Seems we do always have a lot in common :D I wish we did a musical. I don't think we are doing anything fun like that at our school. Not that I would want to be in charge either - I keep shrinking away for getting too involved. Slacker that I am! Have a great Tuesday. Thanks for coffee.

  5. Oh to chocolate it's my favourite. Combine the two and I'll never leave. I ended up with unscheduled TIME TO MYSELF - ALL ALONE - not once but twice this weekend. As much as I love my boy, I really needed that. And the week ahead looks sweet (except for my working day tomorrow but I'm not counting that). Life is good. And rainy. And cold. And a star-filled wonder. Thank for coffee.

  6. I want butterscotch oatmeal cookies. And I would eat would for breakfast with the way I feel today.

    yeah our weather sucks here, too. blah.

    And I would LOOOOOOOOVE to be tucked in a cabin in the woods all. by. myself.

    Happy Tuesday Amy. :)

  7. {Sigh} Somehow I didn't get my comment all the way through again (I think - again sorry if there's duplicates). I think I said something along the lines of being sorry for the cold and hoping the weather turns again soon. And that the double batch idea is brilliant and I should totally do the same. Happy Tuesday!

  8. yes, I Pinterest, though I don't have as much time on there and I forget about it sometimes!
    but it's so fuN! I think my name on there is tara pollard pakosta (just my name).....
    if we were meeting for coffee, I would tell you how we bought a family pass to the zoo for the first time and how excited my girls are . we went on saturday and at 9 and 11, they had the time of their lives! it was a blast! I would tell you how my left elbow hurts so much and nothing happened to it, it has all the symptoms of tennis elbow but I haven't played tennis in 8 years!
    goodness, IT HURTS! when I pick things up Ouch!
    we had the craziest storm the other night, LOUD and beating against the house, this was the FIRST time my girls didn't come into my bed , are they growing up?!
    we have 9 weeks left of homeschooling. ugh.
    I want a break from it!
    okay, see you later!
    yum, your coffee looks YUMMY!

  9. I love your pictures and the cabin in the woods looks like a wonderful place to be. :)

  10. I love the pictures. One more reason I love teaching first grade : toothless grins! Thanks for the cookies. I'm not sure I need something else to take up my time, but I will have to check out the game.

  11. Love your photos! I would love to be in a cabin in the woods!

  12. What a fun meme! This is my first time participating. :)

    I LOVE Pinterest! I could spend hours on that site. It is truly addicting.

    Have a great week!

  13. Oh Pinterest. I have a love/hate relationship with that site! It's full of so many great things and ideas but man it can make the minutes fly by! :)
    What a great thing to have a cabin like that to go to! It looks like a wonderful family time!

  14. loving your pics, amy! as always :) and that lost-tooth-smile? melts my heart! as for pintrest... just started a week or so ago... but haven't pinned anything all week!

  15. Can you come volunteer at my school? We do the whole kindergarten musical ourselves...from decorations to songs to coreography to costumes. It's all us, baby.

    Congrats on the tooth loss! Was the tooth fairy good to him?

    Don't hate...but it has been in the mid to upper 70's most days with the occasional low 80 thrown in for good measure. I figure we will get out the white trash pool in a couple of weeks and I can start working on my tan.

    But soon enough it will be hotter than Satan's balls. So don't get too jealous.

  16. Our weather has been pretty craptastic too. That Groundhog must have been high. :(

    Congrats on the lost tooth! That is soooo exciting. The LB just lost her first tooth a few weeks ago. We seem to be slow in the lost tooth dept. Neither lost one until late first grade.

    Love the way you processed those last two photos! Did you do it in Picnik? And, I've heard of Pinterest, but haven't quite figured out what it is yet. Sounds like something I need to learn more about though. "All the cool kids are doing it." ;)

  17. Your pics are gorgeous as always! I could sit and stare at them all day. Not sure what Pinterest is, but I'll have to check it out...sounds like trouble though :-)

    Anyway, thanks for coffee and the spoil us. :-) I promise one of these days I'l bake something...we all might be old and gray, but I'll do it.

    Have a FANTASTIC week. I can't wait to hear more about this musical. Sounds fun.

  18. Sounds like a lovely weekend. :)

    I can still remember when I lost my two front teeth. Aren't kids just adorable, yet vulnerable at that stage?! Great pictures.


  19. i love those pictures.
    and charlotte's face? stinkin' cute!!

  20. hello lovely gal...

    that place looks like magic.....the Cabin....gorgeous

    my folks had something like this when i was growing up and after we had all the grandkids...but it was by the water and had to be reached my a ferry...childhood dreams aren't they both...

    how cute is W!!
    Audrey lost her front tooth this weekend too!
    so grown-up and super cute!

    thanks for the weather report...i would have emailed you for one if you hadn't commented on it!

    i have a little awardy-thingy...a fun one that takes you back to your first post...for & get it!

    M xxx

  21. How fun! This is the second coffee post I've read about a little one losing his first tooth. :)

    Great pictures! I hope the bipolar weather evens out a bit for you guys, too. {We went from 80 to 50 in less than 24 hours, too. Boo. Hiss. ;)}

  22. Love your pictures. And my daughter lost her first tooth, exactly the same one your son did. Will be back to reading your virtual coffee. I already sit and drink virtual coffee with Moomser.

  23. this is such a cool idea...i'm going to try to link up next week!

  24. I'm sorry to hear about the weather in your neck of the woods. Things have cooled down here as well and, while we've had a break in the rain, it's supposed to start back up tonight. Ack! We've had nothing but rain for the past three days. I'm ready for more of the nice weather we had last week!

    Hope you have a great week! And thanks for having us all for coffee this morning. :-)

  25. Just found your blog through Joelle's virtual coffee. This is such a great idea! I will need to link up next week for sure!

    Hope the weather warms up--you can take some of the heat in Philly...90s for the past few days. yikes!


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