Friday, April 8, 2011

little things

it was a good day.
i appreciate the comments on yesterday's post so much, i really do.
please keep them coming.

we had lunch at the park today.
saw all kinds of little things and big things blooming.
felt the sunshine.
searched all over the park for a dogwood tree we could snip a few branches from to take home.
scissors in the car, searching and luck.
we'll find one though.

got more practice using my new(ish) lens outside and loving it.
took a drive through the country.
stopped at our favorite little antique store.
found a few really good things.
cool things.
listened to this song too many times.

ending the night on the couch.
sipping on a blue moon.
all these little things making it a good day.
happy friday!


  1. love the color of those flowers. exactly the color i am loving right now and have been buying everything for spring in that same shade of purple deliciousness.

  2. great photos.
    love chain link.
    love the color.

  3. Hi Amy,
    I hear what you where saying yesterday, I think a little sunshine will do the trick to get you going? Or a little trip to moi here in sunny Switzerland, you're welcome anytime, your charlotte and my zoe together playing, sigh, shame we cannot hop over to give you a smile... Or,(really thinking here for you...) chocolate and loud singing to get out of that feeling?
    You wait and see, the cycle will soon be broken and by the by, love the photo's, keep them coming!
    Enjoy your weekend,
    Maureen x

  4. your photos are beautiful! and i'm so happy you are having some sunshine to enjoy!!

  5. These photos are so beautiful. I am so glad you had a happy Friday. It sounds like my perfect kind of day! Enjoy your weekend~

  6. That 3rd pic is my favorite but the blossoms are just gorgeous! We dont have any of that around here in NY yet:( Hopefully soon. Have a wonderful weekend!

  7. beautiful pictures amy!!

    blue moon is my favorite--with a big orange wedge. yum...

  8. The early beauty of spring as it begins to unfold...loving these photographs!

  9. Thank you, thank you everyone! : )

    Maureen- I would LOVE to come to Switzerland, are you kidding me? That would be so much fun. A girl can dream.... : )

    Emily-yes, with an orange wedge, my fave! : )

  10. Sounds beautiful...and looks beautiful, too.

    And that picture Wyatt took in your last post is really good. I love the colors. Even without your beautiful head.

    Motivation? I have a post that I'm working on that will address this very thing...or at least it addresses my version.


leave me a know you wanna.