Monday, May 9, 2011

{Flower Bouquet Make-Over}

My house is a total and complete disaster.
An empty Happy Meal box is sitting on the kitchen table since Saturday...
A sink full of dishes...
Piles of dirty clothes...
Baskets full of clothes to be put away...
Unmade beds...
Stacks of papers to go through...
Floors that need swept... and so on.

But instead of tackling all of my housework I am arranging flowers and
 making my dining room table pretty. Charlotte and I are covering the sidewalk with chalk pictures, 
listening to this (you really should, too) and sitting on the front porch with my coffee.
You can call it denial, you can call it procrastination...I sure as hell do.

Yes, but anyway, back to my little make-over...
Yesterday I got a bouquet of flowers for Mother's Day from my sweet little family.
 There were in a plain old glass vase and I decided this morning that they needed a make-over.
I am in love with these vintage labels and even more in love with finding free, cool things to print online. 
All I had to do was raid my recycling cans, soup cans and little jars.
Much lovelier,  don't ya think?

Hope you find a way to make your Monday just a little bit lovelier-even if it involves 
blocking out the rest of your house and finding one little spot of happiness.
Take it from the expert of denial.
Happy Monday, hope everyone has a great week!



  1. Hahha...I think we're all experts at denial in one relam or another:) Love your lovelies. Theyd sure brighten my day too!

  2. Right there with you sister! You coukd walk across the floor without touching floor because there are so many crumbs. But what did Lydia and i do today? Go flower shopping and play outside in the dirt some more. Clean houses are overrated!

  3. What a fun way to spice up the coffee cans and jars. They look great! I love that second picture. Just love.


  4. i love the flowers in those jars. they look so bright and cheerful!

  5. They look so gorg and cheery. The label with the strawberries on it is my favorite.

  6. love that! but my cans don't look so cute. maybe i'll have to go to the grocery store first :)

  7. Tom Petty makes every day just a little bit better.

  8. ohmagosh those are beautiful.
    the idea that just sprung into my head?
    those, as center pieces for a party....or better yet, a quirky little wedding reception.

  9. I love those vintage labels- so you found them online free??? Where?

  10. I'm pretty much an expert in denial, too. Which you will see cause tomorrow is ten on ten & I don't intend on picking up my mess tonight.

    I live dangerously. :)~

  11. very lovely indeed! you've gotta do these little inspiring and creative things to keep balance and sanity I think...otherwise it's just all drudgery housework, etc.
    love what you did :)

  12. Love those labels. Such a creative idea for displaying flowers.

  13. They look lovely!! :)
    Nothing like bringing home a bit of the outdoors to cheer you up, isn't it?
    I do that quite often - procrastinate a bit when there is loads of things to be done - shutting out the world and just indulging in that little bit of laziness - ah! that is pure pleasure :D

  14. What do I think? I think you're the smartest person ever because this is the cutest idea I've ever seen :)
    linds.eliz@ 413

  15. Love the labels! Now I've got to get started recycling. =) Thanks for the reminder that a clean house isn't always top priority. I'm done with the guilt trip, and I'm spending more time with my lil' man now. He really doesn't care if the house is spotless all the time....he just wants to play with his mama! =) I'm the queen of procrastination!!! Nice to know I'm not alone. Love the flowers!!

  16. I'm thinking this would be great to use on pots for a container garden. Since we can't go full blown family farm this year I am going to have to settle for simple container gardening. But the pots never seem to appeal to me...and the ones that do are freakin' expensive.

    You just solved my problem. A little modge podge and some sealer...Heeelllloooo cool containers.

    I'll give you credit.

  17. I am sure that you are tired of answering this, but where did you find the labels to print? I have been searching and can't find anything. I have been collecting cans since i saw your post.... My husband thinks i may just be nuts.... Would you email me back and let me know. I love. This idea!


leave me a know you wanna.