Tuesday, May 10, 2011

{Virtual Coffee}

Good morning and happy Tuesday!

I'm running a little late for coffee this morning and if you knew me in real life that would not
 come as a huge surprise. But I'm hear, sipping my cinnamon dolce latte and looking over my monthly calendar and all there is coming up. I have to laugh every time I see the front of my calendar
because it says "The Do-It-All Mom"...hahahha.
That's a good one, considering this mama doesn't get even half of it done.

So if we were really meeting for coffee today...
I would ask you how your mother's Day was...Was it a good day? Relaxing day? Busy day?
Mine was a good day but I would not call it relaxing at all.
We had three places to go so it was a little crazy but a good day spent with my family.
And look at the rose bush Eric and the kids got for me and planted for me by the front porch.

I have to tell you, roses never were one of my favorite flowers until we moved into our
old house that had three or four rose bushes right outside the back door.
Two different shades of pink, red and a yellow rose bush.
You could smell the roses in our bedroom and that smell and those flowers just bring back happy memories of us in our first house. Now they are a favorite of mine, one of many.
What is your favorite flower?

Well, I guess I don't have a whole lot to chat about today, kinda boring over here.
If you read my post yesterday you know I didn't get much done around here so that's what I need to get doing now. I keep looking at the kids' bean plants in the window and know we need to plant them outside now, I'll add that to the ever growing list of things to do.

Oh and since our coffee date would not be complete without a weather report I would have to tell you that it is supposed to be in the 90's here the next couple of days.....WAIT-what?
Ughhh, yeah. Trying very hard to not start complaining already, very hard.
Hope everyone has a great day, thanks for joining me for coffee today.


  1. It's getting super hot here too and already I'm wondering when it'll cool down... Sometime in October I'm thinking... Are we neve happy??! Lovely roses btw.

  2. Haha, yeah when my hubby and I first started dating I told him not to buy me any roses (and especially not supermarket ones!). But the truth is, roses fresh from a home garden are just lovely, aren't they? Especially if they have a fragrance.

    90's huh? That's quite the switch! Well, at least it's not more rain and snow, right?

  3. oh a cinnamon dolce latte sounds SO good right now!! wish i could have one with ya. my favorite flower is ranunculas. i don't know how to spell it though. i've never loved roses either, but i can see how different they are when you grow your own, and I'd love that too. some varieties are so amazing. have a happy day. wear a tank top, soak up the sun and be glad the slush is long gone! ;)

  4. Thanks for hosting Virtual Coffee again today! I'm so happy you had a nice Mother's Day, even if it was busy {mine was too}.

    Hope you have a wonderful week!


  5. Thanks for coffee! Glad you had a nice mother's day. I can't wait to get myy ard in order and plant some rose bushes out front! I detest red roses from the store, but love other colors, and especially fresh cut ones!

  6. Hah, I don't believe in do-it-all-moms. I am sure they are just made up by some people. Cool coffee cup you have there. And those beans, well, I guess it would be kind of fun to have beans growing in your house, now wouldn't it? :D

    I love your little chats. Feels like I am sitting next to you in the sunshine that comes through that window. Nice.

  7. Now THAT's what I call a mother's day present - having the bush PLANTED too! It's funny how you can grow to love something that you were ho-hum about at first. Thanks for the cuppa!

  8. it's 82 degrees in my house today, and i have two little ones running around. whew!

  9. I know. I hate to complain...but where did spring go? Now it just feels like we went straight to summer. Oh well the sun shining so that's good.

    Your roses are beautiful. I'm not a big rose fan either, but I like rose bushes. If you can get it to stay alive let me know your secret cause I can't do it. My fav flower(s) lilacs and peonies. :-)

    Have a wonderful week, and thanks for coffee.

  10. hi lovely...

    90 -holy can't have anything to say about that!
    just sit outside and say NOTHING....!

    my fave & best are peonies...which to me look like a simpler, less posh version of a rose...which i also adore i have to say...

    my fave aussie flower is a frangipanni...i miss them over you know them..?
    you'd love them amy as they are yellow and white and lovely and simple in shape...

    enjoy the heat tomorrow!!!
    melissa xx


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