Thursday, June 9, 2011

Embracing Photo Booth

Last time I posted photobooth pictures (like these) I had several people ask how I got the photobooth effect so I thought I would tell you again today just in case anyone is wondering.
We actually took all of these pictures here in photobooth on my macbook. 
For those of you not familiar,  it is just the camera on my computer that takes photos like
 you are in a photobooth, you click the button and it counts down to 5 then takes your picture,
 just like an old-school photobooth.
I love photobooth and it is an easy, quick way to get myself in pictures with the kids.
I then edit the pictures in picnik and add texture to give the pictures an old, worn, wrinkled authentic photo booth feel. It only takes a couple of minutes and changes the whole feel of the pictures.
 I love that.

See how wavy and crazy looking my hair is in the picture of Eric and I?
That's how my hair looks now when it air dries.
 Well, I don't even own a hair dryer so it always air dries and this is how it looks if
I don't comb it out. It's so weird because it was never wavy like this until I had Miss Charlotte Rose.
It didn't change after I had Wyatt, not until pregnancy #2...kinda crazy.
I wish it was the pretty kind of wavy but it's really just the big, poofy, thick, hot-mess kind of wavy.
Oh well.
Oh, my sweet friend Shauna made that little sign you see in my kitchen in yesterday's post.
Shauna is cool like that, go see for yourself.
My best girl friend is in town this week, I could not be happier.
Tomorrow we are going to get all the kids together and I can't wait to kiss on her sweet baby boy.
Hope everyone is having a great week!
Tomorrow is Ten on Ten, time to charge those batteries.


  1. Heres another one of her signs. She sent me this one the week of my birthday(without knowing it was my special day:)):
    LOVE these photos...wish I could do them like that!

  2. You and your family are just too cute! I love these pictures!


  3. Wonderful pictures! I like the Embrace the Camera idea and I think I may have to do that next week :)

  4. Your family is so cute. Thanks for the reminder about 10 on 10!!

  5. oh my gosh. my hair - same exact thing. it was stick straight my whole life, until i had baby #2. isn't that so weird? i kinda like how its a little wilder now :) maybe it's a reflection of us getting more free!

  6. I love this look. So Picnik...Hmmm, do you like it better than Photobucket? I'm trying to find a web based photo storage system with the ability to edit, print (to retailer) and make collages...would Picnik work for all that? Any advice you have would be great.

  7. i don't have a mac. wonder if i can do that with my computer?? that is the coolest effect. the girls and i went to an actual photo booth at the mall last week, but they turned out sooo dark. love this fun idea.

  8. Great fun. Love that you get to be in the pix too. That is a rare thing for the mama, so it seems. I think your wavy hair looks gorgeous. Mine was always dead straight until my 2nd boy then it started to get wavy - but I felt like I was going through puberty or something. Definitely not as cool as yours. :)

  9. These are really good.

    The only pics I take of myself are on my phone. I should attempt to use photobooth more often.

    Lucky you with the wavy hair. I am jealous.

  10. this is so cool! i really really really want a mac :)

  11. i think your wavy hair is totally HOT!!

    love the mac....always!

    gotta go visit that sign maker- it is brilliant...

    melissa xx

  12. Just got a new computer (the 10 year old one finally dies) and it has a built in camera....not a mac though, so I'll have to see if there are any photobooth features - so cute. Have a wonderful weekend with your BFF.


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