Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Ziploc Bag Ice Cream

I can see my grandpa sitting on the back steps outside wearing the same light blue 
colored jean-pants he always wore and a short-sleeved dress shirt. 
He is hand-cranking the ice cream maker, with a big container of salt sitting next to him, 
making homemade ice cream for everyone on a hot Sunday afternoon.
My grandma is in the kitchen wearing an apron and cutting peaches at the counter.
I assume the peaches are for the ice cream but I can't say for sure, my grandma 
was famous for her peach pie. 

I dreamed this the other night, the day the kids and I made the ice cream.  
It was the kind of dream where you wake up and wonder if it really happened or not.
It seemed so real, and I have to say I love the idea of them together somewhere
 making ice cream on a hot Summer day. I have a lot of favorite childhood memories but homemade ice cream at my grandma & grandpa's has to be one of my very favorites.

Anyway, I mentioned the ziploc bag ice cream recipe yesterday so here ya go.
The recipe is from this magazine
This makes just enough ice cream for one person, it's not a lot, definitely not the recipe you
would want if you wanted to make very much at all. 
But, it's easy and something the kids really can do. And,  it is actually good ice cream. 
I remember making it at work once when I was still working at school 
and I don't remember ours turning out so good.

Oh, I should tell you that we definitely had to shake our bags for more than five minutes, maybe we are just slow, I don't know. Making the ice cream was on our Summer List so we can check it off now.
Later this week I will share our list with you, the kids were really excited about making it this year.
I'm not big on having a bunch of  things scheduled all the time but I do like having some things
 planned and an idea of some things we hope to do.
I think I might need to add Haircut for Wyatt to that list after looking at these pictures.
 That boy has some crazy, thick hair and like mine it kinda poofs out in the humidity.
And this is why my hair pretty much stays up on top of my head in messy bun all summer long.

If you try make the ice cream I hope it turns out for you, it is delish.
Messy, but good, which is why we ate ours outside.
You should make yourself a bag too because my kids didn't want to share theirs with me at all.
Not even when I reminded them that I did most of the shaking.

This morning I am going to pick up coffee, run a couple of errands and browse the library bookshelves all by myself. I might even listen to Notorious B.I.G. or something else scandalous that I can't
 listen to while the kids are in the car. hahahahahahaaaa.
Happy middle-of-the-week, y'all!


  1. Thanks for sharing the recipe. I'm so excited to try this with my boys!

  2. ok girlie, a couple things to comment here: 1. love this was just in my latest family fun that mag! you are such a cool mama :)
    2. my little girlie has that same cute!
    3. wherever did you get that "lovely" sign in the background of that pic with your little tell :)

  3. great idea! BUT...I couldn't take my eyes off your lovely sign. SO cute, love the colors and the design. Are you selling these???

  4. Looks fun and such a great idea! Enjoying your pictures!! Have a happy day! -Amy

  5. totally awesome....that looks yummy!

  6. Just shared this on my facebook page! :-) just search Elizabeth Ann's Recipe Box! :-)

  7. this sounds like a great way to use up some time, shaking and eating! Thanks for sharing.

    I had to go back and look for the sign after I read the other comments. . . I always feel sort of like I am eavesdropping when I read the other comments, but I do it anyway. That sign is adorable by the way!

  8. Definitely going to try to make that ice cream now, for me, not the kids... my kids are too young.

  9. HOW FUN! I keep thinking we need to make a "summer list" but haven't gotten to it yet. Love the photos ;D

  10. oooh - I've been seeing the ice cream in a bag pop up alot lately....I should really give it a try, but then again, maybe I should just dig out the ice cream maker that I have stored in the freezer. Finally getting some sun here, so it's feeling a bit more like summer. I think you stole all our warm weather - send it back please.

  11. What a fun idea to make with the kids. I might have to wait till we are on vacation in August, doesn't seem like a recipe for a city apartment. Also loved the picture you painted of Sunday afternoons at your grandparents'. Come over to my place and pick up some awards waiting for you!

  12. Wow!!! Ice cream....I love it. Thanks for sharing the recipe. I will surely try this out. Between, your kids look soo sweet.

    Take the Ice Cream Personality Test and find out what ice cream flavor are you as per your personality. I have taken the test and have enjoyed a lot. Hope you too will enjoy it. Have Fun!!

  13. thank you so MUCH for the recipe!! and the photos are awesome! I love your blog so VERY MUCH! total eye candy and inspiration and hope and love!!!

    I have such fond memories of my childhood making homeade ice cream and homeade rootbeer! the only ever time we got soda was the stuff we made because we had 7 children in our family and not very much money!!!
    thanks for doing this post!

  14. Shauna made and sent me one of her signs at my birthday and I was thrilled & shocked all in the same moment. Mines totally different:
    I love it. Its now in my sewing studio

  15. This is a lot of fun. I did a post about it with The Offspring a couple summers ago...

    I should do it again. It was tasty!


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