Friday, June 3, 2011

The First Week...

This week has gone well so far.
I anticipated a lot more fighting.
A lot more stress.
A lot more adjusting.
A lot more arguing.
A lot more time spent separated in bedrooms.
A lot more cussing under my breath.
But this week I have been pleasantly surprised.

Whether it is Christmas break, summer vacation or snow days- I know that there is an adjustment
 period when the kids are back together every day for the whole day.
There just is, there has to be.
And just knowing this and knowing it will pass very soon and we will have a
 new, summer-normal routine helps me not to lose my mind.
 It's gonna be a good summer.
I can totally do this.

We finally got Charlotte a new bathing suit this week and she wore it all day and then slept in it.
I love that when she picks out the super tacky bathing suits (clothes, etc) I can still say;
"oh darnit honey, they don't have your size! " 
and then make her choose from the two cute ones  I like, that do not have glitter all over them
 or look like a 12-year old should be wearing them.
Not sure what I will do once she can read.

Today we are going to the library to sign up for the Summer Reading Program, Wyatt is begging to 
 go to a few rummage sales and we're going to try and finish our Summer List later.
I'm sure at some point the kids will play in the sprinkler or little pool because it's supposed to
 be in the low 90's today. It's a rough life this Summer Vacation thing, huh?

We have no real plans this weekend, finally, after many weekends in a row of being out of town or just scheduled full. We have lots of things to work on here around the house but I am looking forward to lots of down time together doing whatever we feel like. Don't you just love those weekends?
Happy Friday everyone and hope you have a great weekend!


  1. Based on the pictures - it already looks like it's going to be a wonderful summer! Have fun!

  2. this will be a good reflecting post when times are challenging. good it's off to a nice start!

  3. love the cowboy outfits. i'm hoping my first week goes as smoothly. we usually have an "adjustment" period. where they drive me insane and i swear i need a raise;)

  4. love this series of pix!
    what editing do you do to your pix?
    LOVE IT!

  5. Were we both up till the wee hours last night updating our blog design? I kept looking at your for inspiration as I was updating mine....and now I see you've changed yours. Love that header pic of sweet C's hands.

  6. We have 2 more weeks of school and I have to admit that part of me is dreading summer. Having all 3 boys home together is just crazy and I feel like a camp counselor keeping them busy!

  7. 20 more days for summer break and we are very excited about it. Lots of things to try.
    You have some lovely pictures here. I really love your blog

  8. I almost cried a few times on Tuesday .... It was a rough one. But since then things have gotten better! A new norm is starting to emerge! Yay for summer! Love these pics.... As always!

  9. oh yes. I know what you're talking about. We still have 2 weeks of school left, but I'm already having heart palpitations anticipating my two home together all day, every day, for weeks on end. I hope it goes as well as yours.

    hehe...and I'm right there w/you on the icky clothing issue. My little one wants all the tacky glitter, too mature trendy clothes. oy vay.

  10. I use exactly the same trick for my 5 year old. Sorry Munchkin, they are out of your size...
    We are not at a place yet where we can hang out on the week end and be totally relaxed with a boy under two but we just got back from a week end at the beach and hubby and I actually managed to talk to each other sitting on our towels for five minutes while the kids were playing alone in the sand and water...that is a first in five years! There is hope yet.


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