Monday, June 6, 2011

Mrs. Bramer Goes To The Library

This year I am determined that the kids (and I) will complete the
Summer Reading Program at the public library.
We will do it. We will. We can do this...right?
I mean, it's not like I am challenging myself to read War and Peace over the summer folks, 
it's just reading to the kids, which we do every single day anyway.
And actually it's not the reading part anyway, it's just following through with it; writing the books down, 
returning the books on time, you know, all the little details.
I'm often not too worried about the little details and this is usually to my detriment.

If you have been reading here for a while you might be able to guess what my first hurdle
was with this whole library thing is.
My Big, Fat Library Fine.
Ughhh...the curse that has been following me for several years now.
It's a big one. Like big-big.
And no, I have not been able to check books out for a few years because of this.
But guess what?
I paid it off Friday. All of it!
I was so excited, I felt like I was getting my driver's license or something all over again.
Mrs. Bramer's library privileges have been reinstated, y'all!

The woman at the desk actually said "Congratulations Mrs. Bramer!"
It's kind of pathetic that it took this long, I know, but I did it and I no longer have that hanging
 over my head, which is a huge relief.
This week while the kids are at Vacation Bible School I will actually be able to go to the library
 all by myself and browse around, picking out books for myself.
The kids loaded up on Friday but I wanted a chance to look alone, in peace.
No more sending the husband with a list of books to look for. Yay!

 So I thought a good incentive to get myself to go in and pay the fine (oh, and get the kids excited, too) would be to make cute library bags for the kids.
I already had some of these bags that I got on sale at Hobby Lobby a while back and used paint 
I already had at home. I just painted on the stamps  using a tiny paint brush, it was
super quick and easy. The bag above is Charlotte's.

 I kind of ran out of space with Wyatt's but it's okay and I think it is so fitting for him.
Right now he is really into writing and making his own books and drawing all the time,
 like every single day and often at night in his bed before he falls asleep.
My little author and illustrator.
These bags are totally going to make me follow through with those whole Summer Reading thing, huh?
I think so, that and knowing I just paid a lot of money for this "free" Summer Reading Program.
Oh yes, sometimes it really does feel good to be a mature, grown-up, responsible adult.



  1. I love the bags! So adorable. And I have a massive library fines too...I should probably pay those soon :/


  2. you just reminded me that I still have a huge fine with the library that has put the kabash on my reading, as of late. I need to suck it up, and confess to the elderly, judgemental librarian, that I was careless.

    I LOVE the totes, perfect for summer reading! :)

  3. Cute bags. LOVED the "Walter the Farting Dog." GIGGLE. Good luck with filling those bags...I just returned 18 books to the library yesterday!

  4. I LOVE library days. Add in the whole summer essence and I just about faint. Okay, I'm being dramatic, but you get the point. Good luck keeping up with those due dates! I suck at turning books in on time.

  5. i love this idea. ohh and happy reading. i hopped over from life made lovely.

  6. love the totes. i especially like wyatts. my daughter writes like that, all kinda wonky, into the margins, and up and around the paper. so i thought you had done it on purpose.

    i have a friend who consistently owes about $15 in library fines. when it gets to $20 she isnt allowed to check out more books, so she pays a few bucks just so she can keep using her library card. ;)

    -tammie (Irregular Tammie)
    i cant sign in.

  7. we are in two summer reading programs this summer. One at church and one at our local library. I just hope I get the right books back to the right places! lol

  8. the bags are adorable.
    and when i clicked on your blog, i fell in love with your new header! sweetness! <3

  9. That is soo cute. My kids would love these for their summer reading list. Great idea!

  10. Congratulations, Mrs. Bramer! The minute I saw the title I remembered the fine and wondered if it was paid off. Sheesh...don't they have an amnesty day you could have taken advantage of?!?!?

    Anyway...hope you darken the library shelves daily to "get your money's worth." :)

  11. we used to go to the library all of the time and as the kids have grown that's just got pushed off for the pool. i love your plan. i hope you succeed with flying colors:)

    sweet new look too.

  12. Love this project. Going to do this with my kids once summer starts. I never know where to put the library books so they don't get mixed up with our own books. This is perfect.

  13. The bags are adorable...and I thought you did that to Wyatt's on purpose, so no worries...:-)

    As for the fine...OMG girlfriend! That is why I don't check books out at the library. My hubby gives me such crap because I use bookswim (it's like Netflix, but for books). But seriously there times where I can keep a book for months...this last couple I kept for eight you know how much that would be in fines. So kudos to for bitting the bullet and paying the fine. Best of luck with the reading and I'd love to hear what the kids are reading...always looking for some great kids books :-)

  14. Hooray for you and paying your fine!!

    My friend has a fine of $238 at her library and I thought of you when she said she can't go in there because she's so nervous about the amount. In Denver, the cap for late books is $10 and DVD/CDs are $15 and she'd checked out over 20 books and some CDs and didn't return them on time at all.

    Those bags are cute. I made ones for the girls a few years ago with their names on them. :)

  15. too funny!
    I have a 35.00 library fine right now!
    but I just bought NOOK so I could get books whenever i want instead of having to always rely on the library. want to know how I get around my fee and still check out books?! I use my daughters card or my hubby's LOL!!
    but I need to pay it off soon because I don't like that hanging over my head either!
    cute cute bags!!!
    let me know what books you choose for YOU!

  16. oh geez that was funny...we all get those darn fines girl....dont worry! Those bags are wonderful, love the mustache!!!!
    happy reading

  17. dang those librarians and their fees!!! oh well, you're back in action :) good luck with summer reading program. you just reminded me i forgot to sign my kids up...oops! thanks, mrs. bramer :)

  18. ugh. i need to get over the angry i feel about those fines and just pay them!! why are they so much!!! you're awesome. LOVE the new blog look, love the book bags, and i think wyatt's looks whimsical and perfect. keep us posted on the good ones you read.

  19. I love your new banner. And congratulations Mrs. Bramer! That is a huge load off your shoulders, I can tell. And even better, now you can actually g-o-t-o-t-h-e-l-i-b-r-a-r-y. We don't get summer reading lists here for elementary school but I think it's a good idea. I've been thinking of getting my son one of those work books in preparation for his next year (grade 3 for goodness sake). But I'm afraid he's going to think I'm a tyrant. Why dispell my reputation as the good guy so soon?

  20. Oooo - I love books, stamps and mustaches!!

  21. Congrats Mrs. Bramer on paying your library fines!!! woot woot! I bet you have a new attitude when you walk in that library!! the bags are super cute! sounds like you are off to a great start with your summer! enjoy :) hugs, cathy


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