Thursday, June 23, 2011

{Embracing It}

I had to embrace the camera today.
I actually fixed my hair and put on my face. 
That doesn't happen real often, not both together...and especially not in the summer. 
Sad, but true.

Yep, dorkin' out again with pohotobooth today.
See that first picture? Oh yeah, I was actually at Starbucks sipping coffee by myself this morning.
Don't be jealous.
These pictures are from photobooth on my macbook, I didn't make these collages in picnik like
 I usually do, this is just the option in photobooth where it snaps four pictures in a row. Got it?

Thanks so, so much for the comments yesterday.
I love reading what you guys have to say, I do, I do, I really do.
I intended that post to really be about Wyatt and life and how you never know how things are gonna turn
 out in the end and then as almost an afterthought I added the baby thing on at the end. 
The wishing-for-a-baby thing is true but it's not like the focus in my life right now if that makes sense. 
It is what it is and whatever happens will be....well, will just be.
After I read my post again I was afraid it sounded a little whiny or please feel sorry for me because I want another child kind of thing...and I hope it doesn't and not just because I really don't want to sound like a total brat but because that's not how it is or how I feel about it all.
Oh, I can be a brat, a total selfish, grumpy brat in fact (just ask my husband) I just wasn't in
this instance anyway. 

Oh-- but back to you though.
I honestly love all of your comments and love hearing different perspectives on things,
  your thoughts and opinions, regardless of what the post is even about. 
I love your insight and encouragement and you all are just so wise, seriously.
 Thanks so much for that.


  1. You look great! Always good to see the faces behind the bloggers on here. Have a great weekend :)

  2. Oh and btw, LOVE your hair! I love the cut and how your bangs fall!

  3. Just awesome. Love it all! I'm finding so much inspiration today.

    Throwback Thursday link parties

  4. cutie patootie :) i'm linking up later, but my pics are not going to be quiiiiite as cute as your's!

  5. I think it's acceptable to be a brat as long as you're honest about it ;)

  6. You're so stinkin' cute! :) Love your expressions.

    P.S. Expressing a desire is neither selfish nor petulant. Just real. And we like the real.

  7. Your use of photo booth has inspired me...hmmmm....wheels are turning.

    Thanks in advance, pretty lady.

  8. love your hair, especially when it is at starbucks solo :) :) glad you got some "you" time. i love photobooth!

  9. I love how you say "put on your face" - I use that same phrase daily!! Your posts are always so funny and so meaningful at the same time - thank you for sharing!
    Star Hughes Living

  10. yay for putting on your face and doing your hair! you are a step ahead of me. I work at a start up with all men so I throw on a tshirt, some blush and Im out the door! I wish I had motivation!


leave me a know you wanna.