Friday, June 24, 2011

Remember this little radio?
I found this at a little antique store in Iowa last month.
I cannot pass up these vintage Fisher Price toys, I just can't, especially when they still work.
Besides being so cute and well made, these toys always bring back memories and a 
familiarity of childhood... 
I love that.

The last few days have been a little rainy, gray and cloudy.
It has been pretty cool and we actually wore long-sleeves yesterday.
I don't mind the cooler weather so much for just a few days but I am ready to see the sun all
 day again and I think the kids are, too. I do like the balance of a few really hot days and then a few
 days where you spend a little more time inside though when things have cooled down.
 It will be super hot again soon enough.

We took a picnic lunch to the lake the other day after the kids got done with Vacation Bible School.
I had everything ready to go and as soon as they got home we left, we had a couple of much
 needed hours outside at the lake before it started sprinkling.
This is how you wrap up chocolate chip cookie bars when you have can't find lids for any of
 your tupperware containers; wax paper and twine, in case you were wondering.

I am a strong believer in Quiet Time at my house. 
Just because my kids do not still nap (although Charlotte will on occasion) they do have quiet time.
Some days they do not think that they should have to have quiet time so sometimes I mix it up a little, especially after several days at home. This week the kids have built "reading nests" in the living
 room instead of having quiet time in their bedrooms.
They can get all of the blankets, pillows and stuffed animals that they want to for their little nests. 
They are just not allowed to be able to see each other from their nests because you know as well as I do that once they can see each other it is no longer quiet. 

We have been to the library at least once a week, we are keeping up with the Summer Reading Program and this mama is keeping up with her books and due dates and is determined not to go down the shameful road of huge library fines again. I can do this.

Right now I need to get ready to go see my kids sing at the ending of VBS this morning,
Wyatt is so excited for me to hear their songs and I can't wait to hear them, too.
Hope everyone has a great Friday.
Another dreary day here so it looks like some art projects and a movie will be in our plans later this afternoon as opposed to a picnic lunch and Rummage Sailing as I had hoped.
Have a great day!


  1. I love the alternative to tupperware! So much cuter ;)

  2. I wonder if my kids would do quiet time...when I taught elementary school we had SSR {silent sustained reading} right after lunch - it helped cool them down and get their wiggles out. I don't see why it shouldn't work here at home!

  3. its been super dreary here too. . .ready for some nice summer weather!

    I love quiet time. . .we make all the kids head to their rooms on Sunday for a hour or so. . .sometimes moms and dads just need a break!

  4. I found one of those old F.P. radios at a yard sale a month or so ago. Its green and I forgot what song it plays but it works perfectly. My girls love it.
    Id love to find one of the old red & yellow FP record players someday.

  5. i think you may be the luckiest shopper ever! You always find the sweetest things, and this radio is sooooooooo fantastic...hope you have a great weekend!

  6. That radio looks so cute. What does it say on the back?

    Quiet time sounds kind of good. We automatically have quiet time around here when the littlest one falls asleep on the couch ("I'm not tired mama, I don't have to go to bed" Right) and the rest starts to do some quiet reading or playing for themselves, but that doesn't happen every day. But I think it would be very good for them now and then, so I am considering starting a new tradition around here :)

  7. I love all the old Fisher Price toys. My in-laws have all the toys my husband and his sisters played with as a boy. My son loves them.
    I like your quiet time idea...I may have to give that a try. I know I could use the time to just chill. :-)
    Happy Weekend!

  8. i am a STRONG believer in quiet time too. not just for them, but for me too!!
    and just wondering, are your kids doing the Nazereth vbs? i lead our vbs for 5 years and i retired this year...i'm happy and sad. anyway, we had awesome music. just wondering :) ok...see ya!

  9. we do nests on the couches at our house...
    blankets & cushions from everywhere to make nests to sit in and read...
    kids love tiny cost use-every-blanket in the house *just me* spaces don't they!

    that last bbok looks great-never heard of it?
    did your kids like it...i'm going to look for that one...(totally judging it by it's cover!!]

    also...i just caught up on your post re-more bambinos, wyatt, life etc...when our eldes tElla was 6 and Sol was 4...we wished for another bambino and got Audrey...blessed...
    just a thought!

    Melissa xxx

  10. Don't be ashamed. I once owed $92 to my local library. I too love quiet time!

  11. nothing like fisher price..wish i still had all my old toys. it's been chilly here too. wondering when true summer will begin. we need to be pulling out some books!

  12. Those cookie bars look that radio. So awesome!!

  13. Oh Goodness, quiet time is a must here too!! Don't think I could survive without it.:)
    Love your tupperware alternative...way cuter!!
    love all those library books too. We have been frequent visitors this summer too. Nothing like a good book to get lost in. Especially on a rainy IL day!
    Seeing them sing VBS songs is the best! brings tears everytime. Do you guys get a cd to take home? i love how it plays through the house for months
    Have a happy day

  14. I simply don't know how you find the things you find, I'm so jealous!
    Also, must remember to implement quiet time when the kiddos are too old for naps, genius!

  15. I had one of those radios!


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