Saturday, June 25, 2011

{Summer List}

We actually made our Summer List several weeks ago and I am finally getting around to posting it. 
Since school has been out for us since right before Memorial Day weekend, we are a whole
 month into Summer now around here.

I am happy to report that we have already marked off the following::

water balloons
ride a ride
make s'mores
vacation bible school
make homemade ice cream
catch lightning bugs
rummage sales

Next week we hope to go to the beach, tie-dye t-shirts and see a movie in the park.
We are crossing our fingers on the movie in the park though because it was rained out last week.
We will go to rummage sales all summer, as it is seriously one of my kids'
very favorite things to do (don't you love it?) and writing in their summer journals is
 something we try to do every other day or so.
We are making progress on that list while enjoying these lazy days of Summer.
What's on your list?


  1. Love your list! Painting a canvas is on ours, as well, and I just saw in today's paper that they're 50% off at Michaels and there's a coupon for an extra 15% on top of that! :)

  2. This is such a lovely idea, infact I may just have to do one for myself xxx

  3. we have done:

    smore's, bike rides, swimming lots, walks, parks, ice cream. though we have LOTS Of this on our list!
    we also have:

    state fair, zoo, beach. we also have canva's to paint and summer journals they are writing in and shirts to tie dye!
    have fun!

  4. So cute - we've made our list as well, but haven't managed to make it look so cute (it's currently on the back of an old shopping list). I love your - totally cute (as to be expected). FUN

  5. aggh! tie-dye! totally meant to put that on our list and forgot. we've never done it. have you? secrets? i just posted ours. we just did our first one...jellystone at home, complete with watching yogi bear, having pb & jellystone sandwiches, smores and lots of pic-a-nic baskets.

  6. I always get such great ideas from your blog for when my kids are older!


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