Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Crazy Virtual Coffee?

Okay, so it has been brought to my attention (thankfully, because I seriously could not figure out
 where my post had gone!)  that my Virtual Coffee post for
 today, JULY 12 is showing up as JUNE 22.
That's why it is not right here like it should be, it is several pages back. 
Basically, I do not have time to deal with Blogger and all it's issues this morning.
So click HERE to go to TODAY'S Virtual Coffee post.

Cuppa Crazy anyone?


  1. Yeah, I noticed that but assumed it was just a Blogger glitch. Glad you caught it :)

    I already commented on the other post :)

    This Good Life

  2. A cuppa crazy would go lovely with my day today. . .

    Love that photo, you amaze me with your self-portrait skills!

  3. Diggin' that Liberty of London hat...gotta love target!!
    Have a happy day

  4. That is a GREAT photo of you! :)

  5. I wondered why the post showed up in my feed reader but not on your blog itself! Weird. Anyway, I'm always down for a double cup and cuppa crazy sounds just my speed today! :)

  6. Hi there,

    Slightly offtopic, but I just wanted to let you know that I've written a mini-review of your blog at a link-up post on my blog. Feel free to check it out and I hope my recommendation will give you more traffic!

    Here is the link:

    Best wishes,
    This Good Life


leave me a know you wanna.