Thursday, July 28, 2011

Lemonade Stand

We did it, we marked # 26  off of our Summer List.
The Lemonade Stand is done and over with, thank goodness.
And it was a success.
And it was hot...really hot.
I think the grand total in profits came to $30. 38.
The kids had fun but honestly I think their favorite part might have been painting the signs
the night before.
Wyatt was so excited the night before, he said he couldn't fall asleep because he kept thinking about  how much fun the Lemonade Stand was going to be.

I don't know if it was due to the heat or what but we definitely noticed that there was not as much traffic on our street yesterday, foot traffic or car traffic but we still did pretty good.
{Note to self :: When you see kids having a lemonade stand, whether you know them or not, STOP.
Buy lemonade from them, don't think about doing it or wishing later that you had stopped, just stop}.
Both sets of grandparents, cousins and friends came by and a few neighbors stopped by, too.
Someone doing lawn work on our street pulled up in front of the house and said she didn't want lemonade but wanted to give the kids a dollar.
That means a lot to kids...and to their mom.
It's nice to see little random acts of kindness in a world of bad news, depressing stories and
constant tragedy.

How is it Thursday already?
And how is it the end of July?
Eric is off all next week and we can't wait!
Have a great day everyone!

ps- how much do you love Wyatt's little lemon faces? love those signs! ; )


  1. I remember reading your post about your summer list awhile back and kept meaning to make a list of my own. Never happened. Ugh! So cute that the kids were so excited about the lemonade stand. And from now on I will ALWAYS stop! I promise. (Those cookie bars look yummy!)
    I can't believe it's the end of July either. YIKES!

  2. so cool! they made aLOT of money though! you should do it when your area has tons of rummage sales!
    these pix are sooooo CUTE! LOVE THEM!
    there is 30. toward that American Girl doll! do 2 more and paid for!
    yay! so so cute!
    and i made a point that I am going to stop every time I see a lemonade stand!

  3. That's a lot of money to your kids! And I'm so glad they had fun.

  4. wow they really went all out...good for them. looks like so much fun. the heat definitely helps:)

  5. So pleased they enjoyed it and made a good profit. we don't have lemonade stands in the UK which is a shame as it looks like great fun xxx

  6. Oh I totally stop every time I see a stand :) I think that's soo cute that your son couldn't sleep because of the excitement! $30 is an awesome profit for a lemonade stand, and I bet they'll remember it for a while :)

  7. your kids are so beautiful. i love their sweet faces. and yeah, for me, the anticipation is usually more thrilling than the thing itself, but that's okay :) it's why i don't love surprises, because then i don't get my favorite part - the waiting for the something wonderful. and i'm impressed you're up to #26. that takes some serious mommy committment!

  8. I always always always buy from lemonade stands. I remember how happy it made my boys when they were little for people to stop!

  9. You are a FAN-FLIPPIN-TASTIC mama! Seriously... and I love all the pics to go along with your hot summer day...

    Job well done. $ well earned.



  10. they look so excited!! my kids are doing one this weekend too...we made our sign today...other than that i have nothing. no cups. no lemonade. nada. better get on that, huh? hope my kids do as well as yours did!

  11. Adorable pictures. I love all the yellow! It's so bright and cheery! If I had driven by your place with those cute kids holding those dang awesome signs, I would have stopped and bought TWO cups of lemonade! ;0)

  12. PS: Not that you need the exposure, but I loved this post so much that I featured you on my family fun fridays. :0) Hope you don't mind. The yellows just made me so happy, it was hard to resist!

  13. I would buy some lemonade from those sweet salespersons!

    Cute idea...and great pictures.

  14. If only you lived on my street....I would!

  15. Too cute! I went to a watermelon festival this weekend and my lemonade cost $5.00! Maybe next time your kiddos should raise the price!

  16. i wish i had been nearby- your lemonade stnad is so cute!!! and who could resist such smiles?!

  17. I would buy a MILLION from them!!!!!


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