Friday, July 29, 2011


just a few things i am loving this week...

i LOVE this super cute necklace that i won on danielle's blog made by paige from pink lemonade
i had such a hard time deciding on a color but mine is gray so it goes with 
anything and everything and i love it. thank you, paige.
and how cool is paige that she is donating 50% of all profits from the 
Danielle Burkleo for Pink Lemonade collection to danielle's adoption fund? 
love that. go read more about it and go shopping: here.

mini cheesecakes.
served in cupcake liners with fresh blueberries.
so quick and easy.

these vintage pennants for wyatt's bedroom that i found recently at a rummage sale for $1 each.
i was so excited when i saw these because i have seen them for a whole lot more in antique stores.
oh and he needed something on the wall above his bed, too.

this purple nail polish. love, love, love this color.
and it's wet 'n wild which is super cheap and actually stays on really good.
i am no nail polish snob, bring on the walgreens nail polish, y'all.
{and yes, that picture in the background does say "willie nelson for president"}.

this set of three pyrex casserole dishes.
again, found at a rummage sale for $3.
three dollars for three!
i am trying to get rid of all our plastic containers and go to all pyrex or glass
storage containers and i think i am almost there. 

i have been meaning to share the link to this print for a while, but kept forgetting.
i just love it and it is a free printable here. you know i love me some free art!
now i just need to find a white frame for this and hang it up already.

                                                                            Source: via Amy on Pinterest

that's all folks.
i am happy it's friday and eric is off work all next week.
oh-and the kids are going to spend the night with their cousins tonight ...
wahoo! fun for them and fun for us.
hope everyone has a happy, happy friday.
tell me something you are loving today.


  1. Lots of cool things to love!! I really like the necklace. Today, I am loving that we got a new dog-- we named him "Buddy" He is a total sweetheart-- I'll be posting about him on Tues for Virtual Coffee.

  2. I am loving that it is the weekend! I am also all about avocados, morning coffee, paint by numbers + my kindle. Love your list ;-)

  3. love your list, girlie :) thanks for the link to the free stuff! today i'm lovin' that i'm having a rummage sale and i just want it to be that's not really loving. hmmmm, well, i've got hot coffee and i'm off to do my bible study. love those things. :)

  4. Great necklace! And those Pyrex containers are awesome--I'm pretty sure we have one. What a deal! Oh and mini cheesecakes?! I could eat them all. Happy Friday!

  5. today, I am loving the fact I get to work on Lesson Planning and my girls are playing with their dolls so nicely!
    I have already been working for 2 hours. back to it!
    have a great weekend!

  6. Hi today I'm loving that I found your fantastic blog.
    loving the lovely weather we've been having here in Somerset England although today is wet but loving this cause I can have a lazy dvd day with the children. My best love of the week is all my children have finished their first swimming lessons and are now all happy in water and well on the way to being able to swim.


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