Thursday, September 22, 2011

Don't Look Now....

I made this and sent it to my sister yesterday.
We both suffer from clown fear.
Sorry to all you clowns, or clown-lovers out there...
but I just can't do it with the painted faces on grown-ups.


  1. I don't think I've ever heard of this before... but I can certainly understand. As a child I never was very fond of clowns and even now I think they're sort of creepy. Probably started with the Jack 'n the Box toy, do you suppose? lol We have "something", right??
    Have a great clown-free day!
    Ladybug Creek

  2. Uh yeah...clowns are down right creepy. I love your sense of humor. Obviously you are a get in there and play with your kids type mom too. :)

  3. This is hilarious! My son has a fear of clowns too and as a little joke we bought him a copy of 'Killer Klowns from Outer Space'

    He was not amused.

  4. Thanks for starting my day off with a smile... I don't share your 'fear', but I LOVE the human emotion between BFFs captured in your use of toys! Brilliant!

  5. bahahahahaha! So funny. I too, am terrified of clowns.

  6. My fear of clowns runs very deep. It actually extends to anyone in total face make up. How can I identify them?!?! *shudder*

  7. Stephen King ruined clowns for me. I used to like them but now I think they want to pull me underground and eat me.

  8. that pic gets the cutest thing of the day award. and its only 8:25 here. ;)

  9. not a clown fan here either...unless it is the one often seen on modern that one cracks me up!:)
    thanks for the afternoon giggle
    have a happy day amy

  10. hysterical. and VERY dear to my heart. i am mortified of clowns. ALL clowns. i literally move{run} away when i see them coming. weird! :)
    have a great day and thanks for brightening mine!

  11. Hahaha...I LOVE it! I hate clowns too. Funny thing is, people assume my husband(whos a "balloon artist" on the side) is a clown. Um no people. I hate clowns. I love him with all my heart. He doesnt dress up in funky costumes or scary facepaint and a big nose. He just creates awesome balloon creations. Theres a difference!:)

  12. Ever since I saw the movie Poltergist I'm TERRIFIED of clowns so this is truly right on the money. They are always smiling for no reason...right...CREEPY!

  13. At least you have a sense of humor about those clowns. Very funny!

  14. Congrats of winning nada farm weekend! LUCKY you!!! I jumped over here from there. I had to laugh at your clown 'thing'. My daughter, 16, also shares your sentiments about clowns. Remember that USPS commercial w/the clown package gone crazy?? You made my day!

    Happy Day!


    Can't thank you enough for the inspiration!
    Been having a blast!

  16. Hey there! Just a quick note to let you know I linked this post over at Kate's Library in my "Friday Five". Have a great weekend!


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