Friday, September 23, 2011

Hello there, Fall.

It's the first day of Fall.
I'm not sad about summer being over anymore.
The school year is in full swing and it just feels like Fall. 
Right now I am sitting on my couch sipping coffee and looking out my front window,
leaves are literally falling from the trees right this minute and it is a sunny, cool 61* outside.
Yep, Fall is here.
{Some favorite pictures from last Fall...}

Today Miss Charlotte and I have decided that we have to do something fun to celebrate
 the first day of Fall. Maybe take a little walk through our favorite old cemetery...or go buy just
 a couple of pumpkins for the front porch until we make our trip to the
 Pumpkin Patch....or  make caramel apples...or eat candy corn.
We will figure something out, don't worry. 
We are looking so very forward to a relaxing weekend with absolutely NO PLANS.
Can I get an amen?
I am on day four of my antibiotic and feeling so much better, the cough medicine with 
codeine is helping a lot, too. And after nearly three weeks of this I am so thankful for that.
Right now there is a Bunny Square Dance going on around here, check it out...

Don't you love it?
My girl plays with these bunnies like nothing I have ever seen. 
And it makes me so happy.

You guys, I about died when I came across this post about this fabulous, unbelievable 
give-away for a weekend at Na-Da Farm.
This is in Illinois. MY State, just a few hours away.
I could actually do this.
It is a weekend of creating and learning and classes, 
shopping, relaxing....all in a beautiful spot.
An all-inclusive weekend for two. Sigh.
I am fantasizing about being there, what a cool experience it would be.
I have never done anything like this....and I have never gone anywhere
and hung out with a group of complete strangers.
And you know what else?
I was telling Eric about it and I realized that I have not had a weekend away
 since Wyatt was not quite two years old and I was pregnant with Charlotte, I think. 
Could that really be? Of course I have had nights at home when the kids stay with their 
grandma & grandpa but I have not had a full weekend away...
Wyatt is almost seven, Charlotte is almost five.
That's really sad.
Oh, and this would be Read more about it here.
(And keep your fingers crossed for me).

Does anyone else like The Courtyard Hounds?
I can't get enough of this song. Love, love, love it. 
It's on repeat right now.
Happy first day of Fall, y'all.


  1. thanks for reminding me that it's the first day of fall! the first day of my fav season full of cider and pumpkins and sweatshirts, oh my! you just made my day! now i might have to go blog about it too...and buy some pumpkins. oh happy day! :)

  2. Gorgeous pics glad you are feeling a little better. You are so close. Whether you win the trip or not your should go. My friend Jeanne is teaching a class. You would love her art.

  3. Glad you're feeling better!
    You've made me wish fall would hurry up and start already here!

  4. Happy to hear you are finally shaking that bug of yours. It's been 100 degrees here all week- not feeling much like fall but I know it will be here soon. Love that beautiful shot of C's hands and the acorns. Happy Fall!

  5. BEST OF LUCK on that NaDa farm!!! After that long without a weekend off, if you don't win it , perhaps you should just treat yourself! Sounds awesome! I am from Illinois too! Live in Texas now, but miss my home state. Glad you are getting well. I know how that feels as I had an accident and broke 4 ribs 3 weeks ago. Nothing gets you down like feeling bad. ! Well, enjoyed stopping by your blog, and good luck on winning. Jeanne

  6. Lovin fall here too....finally!:)
    We have a TON of Calico Critters. We have had them for years and they are still their favorite things to play with. Must get the camper for Christmas!:)
    Hope you and Charlotte had a great fally celebration.
    have a happy day amy


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