Tuesday, September 27, 2011

{Virtual Coffee}

Good morning out there.
It's super early on Tuesday morning.
I am having coffee before anyone else is up...the house is completely quiet and it is still dark outside.
Are you ready for a cup of coffee?

Normally I only have one cup,
butthis is where I might be later this morning for Round 2.
mmmmm hmmmm...not a real fan of McDonald's coffee I have to tell ya, but it's the closest
 place for me to go for coffee that has wi-fi for my whole hour and fifteen minutes today.
During my three preschool mornings I am trying to find things to do besides
 going shopping and spending money just because I have nothing to do, did you know
that's kind of really easy to do when you have a short amount of time to kill?
Yeah, that's not gonna work three days a week.

Okay, so I cannot contain myself any longer...time to share what I will be doing in less
 than two weeks... I will be here.
I won that give-away I blogged about the other day, you guys.

I WON !!!
I am so excited, you have no idea. 
I have to tell you that Monday morning when the kids were eating 
breakfast and I hopped on the computer real quick to check my email I almost screamed 
when I read that I had won. Like for real, but instead it was more of a mini-yell/gasp.
 The kids were looking at me all crazy.
The give-away is for me and a friend so we are still figuring out those details but I think
it is going to work out just great and I am so happy that I get to go.

So if we were really meeting for coffee this morning...
I would tell you that now there are things to figure out and some juggling to do...
 and a Birthday Party to re-schedule...ummm...yeah,
you read that right, I planned to have the kids' Birthday Party that Saturday but now
 I have to change it because I will be gone.
 I almost feel like I should feel a tiny twinge of guilt about that but I don't. 
Just being honest.
But really? I didn't make any concrete plans and was holding off on the
invitations until I they announced who won
 the get-away.  Isn't that funny?

If we were really meeting for coffee this morning, I would have to ask all about your was it?
Our weekend included lots of hanging out at home.
Fire in the fire pit Sunday afternoon and homemade hummus and pita chips
made by the husband. I have to tell you that everyone would be much happier around
 here if Eric was able to do the majority of the cooking, he is much more talented
 than I, in that department.

This is my breakfast this morning, peanut butter and honey on
 whole wheat toast. Yummmmmm.
Well, I have a lunch to pack and things to get done around here so we are
 not late for school... so I am gonna get moving now.
 As always, thanks for joining me this morning.

PS--how cool are these cups? I want these.
                                                                             Source: via Amy on Pinterest

Happy, happy Tuesday, y'all.


  1. Awe! How exciting!! =D Eh, nothing was set in stone so it's a good thing you don't feel guilty. =D Love your pictures! Thanks for hosting!

  2. the weekend sounds lovely! homemade hummus? one day i just might do that! i love that you held off making firm plans until you knew if you had won (and of course i love that you DID win!) hooray! and i think it calls for NO guilt :) happy tuesday!

  3. oh my goodness, you lucky thing you!! how awesome is that!? take TONS of pics!!

  4. OMG!!! {Insert loud squeal} So freaking excited for you! You must blog about EVERYTHING so I can live vicariously through your little adventure. And block the guilt from your mind...sometimes mamas need a little {alot} of "me" time. ENJOY you soooo deserve it.

  5. Wow! That looks amazing!! You really are "lucky"! Congrats. Im sure you will have lots of snapshots to share with us! You have a lovely Tuesday too.

  6. yipppeeeee!! so so excited for you friend.

  7. So exciting about the give-away!!!! I clicked over and didn't read too much about it... but I did see you get to bring a friend. I am pretty darn close... wink-wink... ;D Just saying... if you get in a bind!

    I find myself aimlessly shopping on preschool mornings too. It is starting to add up - yikes!!!! Maybe parking my butt at McD's isn't a bad idea - ha!

  8. Homemade hummus is the best. I'm going to see if my hubs will make some tonight.

  9. Sounds like you're feeling much better than last week. And congratulations on the weekend! What fun it sounds like - who's filling that second seat?!

  10. Hooray for winning! It looks like it'll be a great experience!!

    I love homemade hummus. You should probably keep your husband, he sounds awesome if that's what he's making on weekends. :)

  11. Congrats on the win, that looks like so much fun! :)

  12. Hi Amy! I'm just as excited as you that you won and are coming - and I totally get the guilt thing...I'm like that even if I go out to the store without one of the kids with me (I know: I need to work on that - lol)

    Can't wait to meet you!

  13. OH MY GOODNESS!!! How exciting! Don't you dare feel one minute of guilt - this is such an awesome opportunity. I mean, seriously, you even get a free night in a hotel! How awesome it that? Can't wait to hear all about it and see what comes out of it!

  14. thank you for your lovely comment :) yes, he's a handsome buy inside and out, and the terrible acne he suffers from didn't seem to phase him... i'm one proud mama xx


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