Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Welcoming Fall

We welcomed in the first day of Fall last Friday just how two girls with an open afternoon and no
plans should; we visited the Farmer's Market and browsed around checking out all of the Fall
good-ness. Flowers, wreaths, mums, pumpkins, gourds and Indian corn....ahhhh.
We left with just a few mini pumpkins and one pumpkin pie-sized pumpkin to satisfy
 us until we make our trip to the Pumpkin Patch in a few weeks.
I let Charlotte pick all the pumpkins this time....this time, I'll get my chance later.

I can pretty much guarantee you may quickly get tired of my Fall posts, sorry in advance for that.
The blue skies, coolish weather and sunshine...oh, I love it so very much.
We had such a ridiculously hot and humid Summer this year but this weather is simply dreamy.
But here's the thing--it doesn't last long here, not nearly long enough at all for me.
By November we could have snow, so we enjoy these Fall days the best we possibly can and
keep our fingers crossed that they are not too fleeting.

After the market,  we stopped at our favorite old cemetery, parked the car
and walked around for a while...looking, reading, soaking in the sunshine.
We were constantly ducking because huge acorns were falling from the trees every
 couple of minutes, it was kind of funny. I decided we need to go back with a bag to
collect a bunch to make a Fall wreath next week, so that's our plan.
Charlotte skipped around, picking up acorns and singing; "I love old cemeteries..."

Tell me what you are looking most forward to about Fall....
What can you not wait to...

I made my first batch of pumpkin bars Monday night and they made the kitchen
 smell so, so good. I think I love Fall the most but then again I kind of feel like that about every
 season, especially at the start--well, except Winter. I cannot commit to loving Winter, sorry.

I need a good, good book to read, like now.
Suggestions? You guys are always good for suggestions.
Happy middle-of-the-week everyone!


  1. those pics are gorgeous amy. i love cemeteries. they are just so peaceful and always beautiful. right now i'm just looking forward to some crisp cool air. it's still hot and humid here. can't wait for the cool. love pulling out the boots, jackets and scarves. cuddling up.

  2. Amy, I love your pictures. I just ordered a new book and it came yesterday. Started it last night. Here is a lovely exert.
    Just started it and so far it is very good.

  3. Love the pics as always. I cannot wait for halloween, i love halloween, I only wish it was as big here as it is in the states altogh it is getting more and more celebrated :)
    I can't wait for the fallen leaves and the smell of the trees, for bonfires and fireworks, Oh how I love autumn (that's a lot of Love's in this comment ha ha) xxx

  4. I love your pictures!! Fall pictures make me SO very happy!! I cannot wait for a trip to the pumpkin patch with my girls! And the apple orchard! I will make pie, breads, and muffins with my purchases from both :) I also just found the most delicious apple cider scented candle and I can't get enough of it! I just love love love fall!! :)

  5. Love the photos as always! We hit the pumpkin patch this weekend and the first thing my daughter went for was those tiny white pumpkins! I think they fit just right in little hands. And I had to laugh at your love for cemeteries. Because recently I was drawn to a great big gorgeous old white church in a cemetery and I had to take pictures. You know the kind with great big arched glass windows. While i was there I was struck by how lovely a cemetery is..and peaceful. I took a few photos, many of the headstones read from the 1930's, so it was quite old. Didnt take many shots or stay long because there were people out actually paying respect to loved ones and I just knew someone would ask me to scat. But not before I snapped a shot of a great big headstone with just the words LOVE. Now thats what i want my gravestone to say. just Love.
    Book recommends-I just picked up a copy of The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society. Havent read it yet..but I hear great things about it. Im looking forward to sitting in a Barnes & Nobles reading (free..haha)books with a hot cup of Starbucks.

  6. Fall is Birthday season in our house.
    My 2 sweet girls will both have birthdays in just a few weeks.Emma will be 12 and Stella will be 1!! Our 2 boys follow in November and early December.Birthday Bashes are in the works.

    I'm also really looking forward to haunted houses. Aside from high school football its the way to spend a Friday night 'round here.

    Beautiful pics!!

  7. i love your fell! what a fun way to welcome it in! and you know i love that little camera! LOVE! and old cemeteries? we used to live across the street from one... more like across the driveway. there is just something about them that i love, too.

    fall for me? got my cinnamon broom (ok... 2. 1 inside & 1 in the car) and my pumpkin spice coffee :) i'm not quite sure what's next!

  8. What can you not wait to...


    visit? my friend, ellen!!!

    make? apple pie and soups!

    eat? yummy warm dinners!

    I heard that Saving Cee Cee Honeycut was good, but haven't read it yet, it's on my list and I really need to get to the library and SOON because instead of reading I am in bed "pinning" on Pinterest, UGH!!!

  9. oh and I could NEVER get sick of your pictures, LIKE EVER!

  10. ahhh...drinking in the crisp fall weather from your photos. Here it has rained nonstop for 2 weeks and been hot and humid. Very strange weather. Mushrooms are cropping up in every corner. No pumpkins here yet. Just fungi!

    And...just saw you won a fab trip. How exciting! Hope you have a blast. Can't wait to hear about the classes.

  11. these photos are fantastic. I just bought 2 pumpkins today. I loved the book Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand. I would give it 6 out of 5 stars. It was that good.

  12. Amy, I could never get tired of your images and your musings on Fall (Autumn for me!) Besides, it's nice to reflect on the weather cooling down in your part of the world as it heats up in mine.

    There are two Australian books that I highly recommend if you can find them: The Slap by Christos Tsiolkas and Jasper Jones by Craig Silvey. Both of these books are incredible. Easy reading, but the kind that stays with you. x

  13. 1. i am inspired to get out my real camera after this post, so thank you.
    2. i am so flippin jealous of your fall.
    3. i wish i could
    4.did you finish jane eyre? whatdidyouthink!?

  14. 5. i got ella a pumpkin at smart and final yesterday and she thinks its a new "guy" for her room. she dresses it up and puts it in her carriage and gives it naps.....


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