Friday, October 14, 2011


i am still not done talking about last weekend.
nope, i'm not.
i needed that weekend away for so many reasons.
it was a gift, it really was.
in so many different ways.
if i had not won the weekend away, i wouldn't have went, simple as that.
i would have liked to...and would have wished i had gone afterwards, but i wouldn't have gone.
i would have talked myself out of know, it would be a hassle to figure out who would take
care of the kids...eric would have to take the day off...he had a class saturday so i would
have to find someone to keep them for part of the day....
i would have told myself there is always next year, i'll go another time.
why do we (I) do that? talk ourselves out of the things we really want to do?

{art by Jeanne Oliver}

i am so glad i went.
 it was a wonderful feeling to be surrounded by such cool, creative women, it really was.
people that are inspiring and helpful and encouraging and that share their wisdom with you.
people that tell you that you are an artist, you have potential and your very own individual 
gifts and talents.
people who share their stories with you on where they came from and where they are now.
that show you there are so many possibilities.
that tell you it is never too  late.

i liked all of the classes but i just loved the art journaling class.
we made our own journals using old book covers and vintage ephemera.
it was so much fun.
i love books and i am a journaler, so this class was right up my alley.
using found/salvaged rules, no right or wrong way to do it.
oh, and i loved jeanne oliver
i tend to think people kind of overuse the word "inspiring" when describing people, 
but it truly describes her. perfectly.

i came home feeling so excited and inspired-a hundred creative projects spinning around
in my head.
relaxed and happy and fulfilled.
i am still thinking about it and what it all means and how it applies to me.
i am excited for the possibility.
and do you know what else i learned?
that i am a photographer.
and an artist.
there, i said it.
i am a photographer.
{art by Jeanne Oliver}

it is easy to get caught up in thoughts like; "I am only a photographer if I am being paid for it"
or; "i am only a baker...painter...cook...speaker...writer...artist...designer....
entrepreneur....if  I am making a living from it "
it's not true.
i am going to stop telling myself that. you should, too.
i am a photographer.
how about you?



  1. Good for you! I'm so happy you got the chance to get away and rediscover yourself. And you ARE a photographer. An amazing one at that! It's one of the things that first drew me to your blog. And I've been back every single day since. :)

  2. sounds like an amazing time! lately, i've tried like twice to say "I'm a writer" when people ask. it sounds so weird. they believe me more than i believe myself. :)

  3. oh, i KNEW you were a photographer! God given TALENT for sure! ;) i'm so glad that you can claim it now. i admire all of your work, too, but i think you already knew that!

  4. someone said that to me too last week...that i'm a photographer. it made me blush. i told them no. thanks for encouraging me to embrace it too!

    your photographs truly are remarkable. thanks for sharing about your time away!

  5. I'm a photographer too, and a writer, and a designer, but I don't get paid for any of it! Anyway, I've been trying to tell you for some time now that you are a photographer. You have an eye for what will tell a story and know how to compose it. Glad you are willing to admit it now! : )

  6. yes you are.
    it's obvious to us, lady.
    believe us when we tell you.

  7. Your last thought was so wonderful to read. Yes I am a photographer too. Thank you for that encouragement.


leave me a know you wanna.