Saturday, October 15, 2011

expert procrastination

this morning i am sitting on the couch, drinking coffee, editing 
pictures and watching sponge bob with the kids. 
they are making a fort all around the living room and the house is completely trashed.
this morning i need to bake and decorate a birthday cake for my cousin's little girl's 1st birthday. 
we all need to bathe, get ready, have lunch.... and then we are going to the birthday party later today.
tomorrow morning is my kid's birthday party.
when i planned a morning brunch party i imagined myself having the whole day
 before free to do all the hundreds of things that need to be done.
ha. i'm not sure why i ever thought that would really happen.
i haven't even been to the grocery store yet...or made my grocery list. 
but instead, i am sitting here editing pictures while thinking of all the 
things that need to be done. but i'm getting up right now.....
i sware.


  1. i jsut have to say, i love your blog :) i love your witty style and i love your photography...your viewpoint on life and the way you love your sweet family. much love to you dear one!

  2. Mmmm hmmm.... Guess you had more time than you thought :)

  3. yep, gonna have to 'fess up to that one i guess.

  4. I love it! Great idea having brunch. Pics are just adorable.


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