Tuesday, October 4, 2011

{Virtual Coffee}

Good Morning.
First of all, a quick thank you to all for the sweet Birthday wishes for my little 
seven-year old yesterday.
He had a great day. 
It was a crazy, happy, hectic, busy, up-way-too-late-for-a-school-night
 kind of day, but a good one. One Birthday down, one to go.

So, if we were really meeting for coffee this morning...
I would tell you, beg you even, to come here for coffee. And maybe if you were
 a really good friend, I could beg you get you to stop and pick up coffee for me on your way.
Grande skinny cinnamon dolce latte with no whip, extra cinnamon.
This way I can stay in my pajamas and don't have to put on make-up...or brush my hair.
I always have two extra kid son Mondays but I have them today too so that way I won't have
 to haul anyone out with me to meet for coffee.
Oh, thank you so much.

The weather here has been gorgeous lately.
Gorgeous and perfectly Fall-like.
But don't hate me for that if it's not perfectly Fall-like yet where you are, because
 soon you will hear only of me complaining about the cold and the snow
 and ice and shoveling and scraping my
 windshields and...yeah, just be happy not to have to listen to all that quite yet.

This last week has meant lots of time outside...
at the playground and taking walks.
My walks have been both with the kids and walks with
 just my ipod, which is a luxury.

October is a busy, busy month for us.
Wyatt's birthday was yesterday, my mom's is today, my dad's is the 11th and
 Miss Charlotte's is the 13th. We also have a couple grandparent's thrown in
 there during October too. Lots of celebrating going on around here this month.

The Birthday boy got to have cinnamon rolls for breakfast, treats brought to school
by Charlotte and I, dinner out with us and his grandparents and all the
Lego's on his Birthday list--
or most of them anyway, I think he had a good day.

Well, I am a little short on time and words this morning so I am going to get moving.
Make sure you stop by and visit everyone else for coffee this morning.
Hope everyone has a great day...tell me what has been going on with you.
Thanks for stopping by for coffee!


  1. You are literally surrounded by Libras! Thank goodness it's such a great sign!! ;-)

  2. Enjoy your day Amy. Looks like a fun day was had by the Birthday Boy! What a fun day!!!!

  3. jake and ty say, "ninjago!coooooooool! they are obsessed and one of these days i am going to be blogging about how on earth to scramble up halloween costumes for ninja kai and ninja jay. thats what they want to be..... tell wyatt he'll know who they are.

  4. Loving the pictures and loving the meme! :)

  5. Cake! Cake! You can't have too much cake! (Or be too thin, they say). Oh isn't it weird how birthdays in families often crowd together like that? I love your photos, love your processing. It has been a while since I've been inspired to pick up my camera (since I finished my 365 project) but your site always gives me that little thrill and gets me looking at taking pictures again. Thanks for the coffee and I'll be happy to bring you a latte with extra cinnamon.

  6. Sounds like a fun birthday celebration for your little guy! Enjoy that gorgeous weather, because ours has been crappy and I think today is the first day in over a week it's not raining. Hope you have a great day!

  7. Oh, I would totally come over for coffee ... although I think I'd be in my PJs too.

    This weather is AWESOME! I'm playing hooky from work and taking a long weekend, so hopefully the weather stays nice.

    October is the BEST month for a birthday ... I should know because mine is on the 16th ... the big 3-9 YIKES!

    Have a great week and Happy Birthday {belated} to the big guy.

  8. Funny how birthdays seem to pile up around each other, huh? In my family, April is a popular month: 5 birthdays! Lovely photos as always and happy birthday to everyone!


leave me a know you wanna.