Monday, October 3, 2011


Somehow my baby boy is seven years old today.
It seems all too quick and just about right at the same time.
But you know how that goes.

Last night we talked about the day Wyatt was born.
He was a week or so early and my first baby so I had no idea what to expect, naturally.
I was super uncomfortable, tried to watch Saturday Night Live but fell asleep and then woke
up around 1:00 a.m. feeling a little weird.
It took me a while to figure out if it was real labor or not and by the time I knew it was in
fact real labor, things moved fast.
At 2:45 a.m. I was on the phone with my sister, who lives about thirty minutes away,
telling her not to leave her house yet, that I would call her later on and let her know
what was going on. She wanted to be there for the birth and just barely made it in time.

At that time we lived less than five minutes away from the hospital and by the time we decided
we needed to get there NOW,  I was in some serious pain.
We got to the hospital, got in my room, the nurse checked me and the craziness started.
I was fully dilated and the doctor was not there yet.
They started telling me not to push, just hang on...don't push.... I was in shock...
I thought I was going to lay there and watch tv for a few hours (like they do on tv),
talk to Eric about our final name choices and give one last guess on whether we thought
this baby was a girl or a boy.
My first lesson in parenting that things never go quite as planned.

Wyatt James was born at 4:33 a.m. and our life changed forever in the best way possible.
In my heart, I just knew he was going to be a boy and we were beyond thrilled when he was.
{And a little relieved, seeing that we had painted the nursery blue because of my feeling}

The struggle to have our first child was completely worth it.
I would go through the surgeries, the procedures, the medication, the stress, the appointments
the debt and all of the unknown a hundred times again in a heartbeat for this boy.

Happy Birthday to my sweet boy.
We love you to the moon and stars and back again. 
You have taught me to find the lovely moments in every single day.


  1. Happy Birthday to your little Wyatt! He entered the world the same way my Wyatt entered, with the nurses saying don't push, the doctors not here yet!

  2. Happy birthday to your seven year old!! I know exactly what you mean when you say that it seems to go so fast but is so fitting.

    I always dig out their baby books and 1 year scrapbooks I made them when their birthdays roll around. It makes me sad and reminiscent and they like looking at their little baby selves. :)

  3. Awww what a precious boy you have! We share today as our birthday. Except I wish i was 7 and not 37! Have a very happy day Mr. Wyatt!!

  4. How sweet. Happy Seventh Birthday Wyatt xxx

  5. happy birthday to your blessing from Heaven! what a handsome little man! such a sweet post. :)
    have a lovely day.

  6. what a gift your first born is to you.
    in a way he gave you your biggest roll in this life.
    that is such a privilege.
    and you are a good momma, amy.
    and seven.
    seven is a big year.
    very grown up.
    love you two!
    happy happy day wyatt!

  7. Happy Birthday Wyatt!
    beautiful post amy
    and beautiful boy:)

  8. oh happy birthday to your boy. mine is leaving 7! can't believe she's gonna be 8 =0 waaaaaa. and that's my baby!!!

  9. awww, Happy Birthday to that little cutie.

  10. ok, you made me cry today. that last bit about it being WORTH it - how we'd do it all a hundred times over - that got me. Wyatt is so sweet and is so blessed you're his mom.

  11. Happy Birthday to your lovely boy! I'm actually quite happy to share the same birthday as your sweet Wyatt, though am quite a few years older than 7!
    You're right, it does go so fast, and it's good to be reminded of this often.

  12. I thought i left you a comment from my phone, but now I dont' see it and I wanted to be sure to say Happy Birthday to your Beautiful boy! that last photo is priceless! he's a beauty! 7 is BIG! but now that my oldest is going to turn 12 soon, it seems so LITTLE!! enjoy it!

  13. Happy 7th birthday to Wyatt! :))


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