Saturday, December 24, 2011

Stepping Back.

Yesterday I caught myself getting my straight-up Scrooge On over all of the Holiday madness.
I did last night, too.
And ummmm...this morning, too?
Overwhelmed...a little tired, so many commitments and places to be and things to do.
It can be a lot.
Over-tired kids, frazzled adults.
It's easy to do, to get caught up in the stress and wish the Holidays away, if only briefly.
This morning after picking up the kids from the sleep-over at 9:00 a.m. and then heading straight
to our second Christmas celebration so far, I found myself thinking;
I can't wait until next week when all of this is over with and we can just chill out at home and
do whatever we want. 
I don't really mean that though.
I don't want to wish away the Holidays because I am stressed out.

Christmas Eve has always been my most favorite Holiday.
Actually my most favorite night of the year.
We have done the same thing every year since I was born.
We go down to my Uncle's house (which is where my grandparent's lived) and celebrate
with my mom's side of the family.
There are lots and lots of people there, tons of kids.
There is a gift exchange and presents and wrapping paper everywhere and food and sometimes
a visit from Santa and a house full of some of my most favorite people in the world.
This night is what the Holidays mean to me.
Family and love and excitement and traditions and happiness and anticipation.
It is where I feel the happiest, the most myself....the most HOME.

Today I had a chance to step back and think about what the Holidays really mean to me,
how I want them to feel for my children, how I want us to celebrate as a family.
I am lucky.
I am blessed with a wonderful family.
I am thankful.
And I am looking forward to my most favorite night of the year and all the magic it brings.
From celebrating with my extended family, to setting out cookies for Santa, going to midnight
mass with my mom and filling the stockings before I go to bed very late late tonight.

Happy Christmas Eve to you all.


  1. Hope you are there right now enjoying every second. Merry Christmas!

  2. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas and a very happy new year x x x x


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